IntelliBoard Administrator Getting Started Guide

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Welcome to IntelliBoard Pro. In this guide, you'll discover how to leverage the robust analytics capabilities of IntelliBoard Pro to gain valuable insights into your learning environment. We'll explore key features, demonstrate data interpretation, and share best practices for maximizing the impact of IntelliBoard Pro in your endeavors and unlock the transformative power of data-driven insights with IntelliBoard Pro.

As an Administrator, you're in charge of the entire IntelliBoard Pro system. This guide will help you set up the platform, manage user roles, and configure settings to keep everything running smoothly. You'll learn how to get reports across all departments and courses, use ready-to-go data , give non-LMS users access to the role specific data they need, and track engagement, spot trends, and handle notifications easily.

IntelliBoard Basic Setup and FAQs

The most frequently asked questions to get started with IntelliBoard Pro.

Integrations: Connecting your LMS and LTI to IntelliBoard Pro


Using Dashboards and Reports

IntelliBoard Pro comes equipped with dashboards, reports, and charts to quickly visualize data.

Notification Creator

Notification Creator simplifies the creation and management of notifications. Users can customize messages, target specific recipients, and track engagement metrics. With features like scheduling and multimedia support, it streamlines communication within organizations or communities.


InContact is a dynamic feature designed to enhance communication within online learning environments. It offers real-time messaging capabilities, facilitating seamless interaction between instructors and learners. With its user-friendly interface, InContact streamlines communication processes, enabling instant feedback, support, and collaboration.


InForm enables users to import 3rd party information to supplement and support their LMS data that doesn’t automatically or already live in the LMS. It does not integrate the information into your LMS, but lives on IntelliBoard to incorporate into reports and other datasets.

Predictive Models: Predictive Learning Analytics

The Intelliboard System, like many predictive learning analytics systems, follows a process: it gathers past data to train a model, then uses current data to make predictions. These predictions are tied to the original data and can be shown in different reports and notifications.

One big difference with IntelliBoard is that it handles all data connections and provides models without users needing to write custom code, while still allowing adjustments. Each predictive learning analytics model is tailored to the institution's own courses and students. Users can tweak the models to fit their definition of "success." While there are templates available, the solution is fully customizable.

IntelliBoard Users and Organizational Roles

To enable sharing of datasets and dashboards among users in your organization, the Primary Account holder (and other authorized users) can create IntelliBoard Users (IB Users) and assign them Organizational Roles. An Organizational Role acts as a template containing datasets and permissions, which can be applied to multiple IB Users. Each IB User represents a credentialed account within IntelliBoard, allowing them to access specific datasets based on their assigned data assignments.


The Visual Builder within IntelliBoard Pro empowers you, the user, to craft bespoke reports from the ground up, all without requiring any expertise in SQL programming. It enables you to design personalized reports, seamlessly incorporate columns and data points, apply filters, and format your data to construct a tailored narrative that aligns with your specific needs and objectives. The feature is primarily utilized by a small group of IntelliBoard administrators.