Setting a Home Page for IB Users by Org (Organizational) Role

Setting a Home Page for IB Users by Org (Organizational) Role

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A particular dataset can be set as the Home Page to automatically appear when an IB User with a specific Org Role accesses IntelliBoard. This can be done either during the initial creation of the Org Role or by editing the Org Role.

In the Org Role Creation Form, locate the section “Dataset for the Home Page/Default Dataset.Any dataset that has been added to My Datasets in this Org Role can be used as a default home page. This allows users to see their most critical dataset or dashboard immediately at login.

When editing a specific Org Role, the Edit IB Org Role form display. Scroll down to the section “Dataset for the Home Page/Default Dataset.Any dataset that has been added to My Datasets in this Org Role can be used as a default home page. This allows users to see their most critical dataset or dashboard immediately at login.

Frequently Asked Questions:

You can set and change the dataset that is most critical to you as your homepage.

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