Set a Unique Signature for Notifications

Set a Unique Signature for Notifications

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IntelliBoard sends notifications on demand (emailed) or scheduled (through the Notification Creator).  These are sent from Info@IntelliBoard.net but each notification can have a message body as well as your own unique signature. 

To set a unique signature for your IntelliBoard Pro account:

  1. Login to your IntelliBoard Pro account and click on your Avatar to display a drop down menu.

  2. Select “Manage Your IntelliBoard Account”

  3. Click the blue “Edit” button next to your name to open “Edit Profile”

  4. Scroll down to “Email Signature” in the “My Account Settings” box.

  5. Compose your signature using the text editor and “Save.”

Direct link to “Edit Profile” here.

New signature.mp4

Frequently Asked Questions

All notifications are sent from info@intelliboard.net. We recommend including an email contact or another form of contact in your unique signature for recipients to follow up.

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