Setting a Dataset as Your Homepage

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Setting a dataset (dashboard, report, or chart) as your homepage will display the information when you login to IntelliBoard Pro.

To set a dataset to be your homepage:

  1. Go to the dataset you want to be the homepage in “My Datasets.”

  2. Click “Set as Home” button Screenshot 2024-03-12 131833.png in the top right corner.

  3. The dataset will now appear as your homepage.

  4. Click the IntelliBoard logo Screenshot 2024-03-12 132718.png in the top left corner to access your Homepage at any time.

Direct Link to “My Datasets” here:

Setting Dataset as Homepage.mp4


Frequently Asked Questions:

To remove the dataset, click the “Unset as Default” button Screenshot 2024-03-12 132447.png in the top right corner of the dataset. You can also set another dataset as your homepage and it will remove a previously set dataset and replace it with your new selection.

Click on the “My Datasets” tab to view the full My Datasets.