InContact Overview

InContact Overview

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InContact is a dynamic feature designed to enhance communication within online learning environments. It offers real-time messaging capabilities, facilitating seamless interaction between instructors and learners. With its user-friendly interface, InContact streamlines communication processes, enabling instant feedback, support, and collaboration.

InContact is the 3rd option in the “Apps” tab drop down menu.

Direct link to “InContact” here.

InContact App.mp4


InContact Guide


InContact .png


Filter your InContact history using a set of filters:

Courses: Select the specific courses to appear in InContact, you can select up to 10 courses. Clicking the grey star next to a course will “favorite” the course so it appears at the top of the list for quicker access.

Communication: Filter existing communication by types such as email, web call, in-person, phone, and more.

Behavior: Filter existing communication by learners' behavior type such as disengaged, disruptive, lacked focus and more.

Date Filter: Filter communication by time period such as, last week, last 30 days, custom, and more.

Multiselect: Create a communication log for multiple students at once.

Upload Contact CSV: Import students' contact information such as email, phone number and parent's phone number by uploading a CSV file.

Use the search box to find a specific student in the list.

List: Shows all the communication logs.  

Calendar: Display all communication logs in calendar format.

Clicking on the three dots next to the learner’s name will open a menu to:

Add New Log: Create a communication log for the individual student.

See User Contact Information: View individual learner’s information such as SIS ID, email and contact number.

Edit User Contact Information: Enable you to input other information of the student such as parent's contacts, alternative email or extra curriculum activities.

Please note that the date format shown is Day/Month/Year

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