Set Up SSO (Single Sign On)

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IntelliBoard allows Single Sign On (SSO) options through OpenID Connect or SAML 2.0 to authenticate from the login page. Either protocol must be first established by your organization.IntelliBoard's LTI tool has a SSO link from the LTI into IntelliBoard natively.  This page is to set up SSO to log-on to IntelliBoard directly from .

The Primary Account Holder for IntelliBoard must set up SSO at the organizational level. It cannot be accessed by other IntelliBoard Users. Contact your administrator for more information.

To set up SSO to authenticate into IntelliBoard Pro: Only primary account holder has access to this feature.

  1. Login to your IntelliBoard Pro account and click on your Avatar to display a drop down menu.

  2. Select “Manage Your IntelliBoard Account”

  3. Click the “SSO Settings” tab

  4. Implement one or both protocols: OpenID Connect or SAML 2.0

Direct link to “SSO Settings” here.

Set Up SSO.mp4

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