Log in to IntelliBoard Pro

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To log in to your IntelliBoard Pro account:

  1. Go to https://next.intelliboard.net/login or login from intelliboard.net in the top right corner.

  2. Enter your email and password.

  3. If two-factor authentication has been enabled, you will have an additional step.

  4. If it is the first time you log in to IntelliBoard, you will be directed to the Security Settings in your account. Click “Accept” for the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.

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Frequently Asked Questions


IntelliBoard Lite and IntelliBoard Pro are two different systems. IntelliBoard Pro, is the next generation of learning analytics. Your IntelliBoard Lite credentials will not work for IntelliBoard Pro and vice versa.  If you have both systems, you may use the same email address but it is not required.

Often your LMS email and your IntelliBoard email are the same, but it is not a requirement. Please note that for the LTI to be deployed inside your LMS, your IntelliBoard email and the primary email associated to you in your LMS must match.