Update Email Address

Update Email Address

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To update or change the email address associated with your IntelliBoard Pro account

  1. Login to your IntelliBoard Pro account and click on your Avatar to display a drop down menu.

  2. Select “Manage Your IntelliBoard Account”

  3. Scroll down to “Security Settings” and click “Edit Security Settings.”

  4. You will be directed to confirm your password to open the Security Settings.

  5. Scroll down to “Change Email” and update to the new email address you want to use.

  6. Confirm email address and click the “Save Email” button.

Direct link to “Security Settings” here.

New email change.mp4

Frequently Asked Questions

If your IntelliBoard user account was created by syncing your LMS account to IntelliBoard, you email will not be editable. Additionally, if your email address updates inside your LMS platform, your IntelliBoard account needs to be synced again.

IntelliBoard uses email as a unique identifier. If your email is associated to another account or already in use, it will not be able to be utilized. 

Often your LMS email and your IntelliBoard email are the same, but it is not a requirement. Please note that for the LTI to be deployed inside your LMS, your IntelliBoard email and the primary email associated to you in your LMS must match.

IntelliBoard Lite and IntelliBoard Pro are two different systems. Your IntelliBoard Lite credentials will not work for IntelliBoard Pro and vice versa. If you have IntelliBoard Lite and IntelliBoard Pro, you can use the same email, but it is not required.


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