Update Password

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To update or change the password associated with your IntelliBoard Pro account:

  1. Login to your IntelliBoard Pro account and click on your Avatar to display a drop down menu.

  2. Select “Manage Your IntelliBoard Account”

  3. Scroll down to the “Security Settings” blue box and click the Edit Icon

  4. Scroll down to “Change Password” and update to the password you want to use that meets requirements.

  5. Confirm password and “Save.”

  6. Administrators can reset passwords for users if needed, contact your IntelliBoard Pro administrator for additional help.

Direct link to security settings here.

Update Password.mp4

Frequently Asked Questions

Navigate to the IntelliBoard Pro login page and use the “Reset Password” link.


Reset Password.png


To create a new password, you have to meet all of the following requirements:

  • Minimum 8 Characters

  • Maximum of 72 Characters

  • At least one lowercase letter

  • At least one uppercase letter

  • At least one number

  • At least one special character

No. Your IntelliBoard account is a different account than your LMS password. You may enable a SSO if desired.
