Notifications App Overview
Notifications simplifies the creation and management of notifications. Users can customize messages, target specific recipients, and track engagement metrics. With features like scheduling and multimedia support, it streamlines communication within organizations or communities. Notification Creator is the 4th option in the “Apps” tab dropdown menu. If you do not have account access to Notification Creator, contact your IntelliBoard Administrator for more information.
To create a new notification:
Click the “Apps” tab to open the drop down menu of IntelliBoard apps.
Select Notifications
Click the “Create Notification” button.
Complete Step 1: Sending Method and choose the Sending Method from the drop down list:
Use Emails from a Dataset: which allows you to choose which dataset to provide recipient information.Select the Dataset you want recipient information from in the Dataset List dropdown menu. Only datasets that are in “My Datasets” can be used. Once a dataset is chosen, the “Filters” section appears. Check the box next to Filters. The filters within the dataset are the filters you can utilize to narrow down your desired recipients.
Select the Column from the dataset you want to use as recipient information in the Delivery Column dropdown menu. Most datasets will only have one column option. Some datasets include columns of email information for Instructors, Learners, and others. Be sure to select the column you want the notification sent to.
Delivery Method is automatically set to email.
Click the preview icon for a preview of your notification.
Complete Step 2: Name your notification and give it a description. This is an internal name that will be stored in the Notification Creator. In the description, we recommend listing the report attached, expected action taken with this information, and any internal policies related to this information. This is an internal description.
Step 3: Add the Subject Line and Message of your notification. The subject line that will show to recipients. Placeholders are available to personalize the message to each recipient. The body of the email message that will show to recipients. Placeholders are available to personalize the message to each recipient.
Click the preview icon for a preview of your notification.Step 4: Select your attachment settings
Attachment: This is part of the attachment field. A drop down menu of your datasets and dashboards appear to choose from. This dataset will be attached to the email. Once selected, you may use the datasets filters to narrow down the data being sent.
File Type: This is the type of file the attachment will be sent as. File type options are: XLXS, CSV, or PDF
Filter Attachment by LMS Role: Select the role you wish to receive the attachment. You can clone and edit this notification to set up a different role to receive the attachment.
Send Empty Report: Select this option to send notifications on the selected schedule even if the attachment is empty. Unselect if you want notifications not to be sent
Step 5: Schedule
InContact: If enabled, this message will be logged to InContact. Note: To log to InContact, the dataset must include both user and course information.
Automate with a Schedule: Adjust the schedule and frequency of automated notifications.
Select the dates for this report to be sent with the calendar pop up. This is the time period you want the report sent, perhaps a semester or academic year. You will set the frequency in the next field.
Select how often you’d like the notification sent: hourly, daily, weekly, second weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly. Additional components will appear based on your selection to choose day of the week and time to be sent, when applicable.
Direct link to Create Notifications Form
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