Quick Send Notifications

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Quick Send Notifications are a way to send individual users in a report one-time notifications and can be found under Notifications in each report with individual users.

To send a Quick Send Notification:

  1. Within the report, check boxes next to “User(s)” you want to notify. You can send Quick Send Notifications to 1 or more users at a time.

  2. Click the “Notifications” drop down menu Screenshot 2024-03-13 105819.png in the top right corner above the column headers and select “Add.” This will direct you to a notification form.

  3. Fill out the form and click “Send Now” to send notification to selected user(s).

Setting Up Quick Send Notification.mp4

Quick Send Notification Form:

Quick Send Notification Form.png

This is selected by default and uses the report you are accessing from; if you wish to schedule this type of notification use Notification Creator.

Filters are locked and will show the filters selected (if any) in the report.

Select the column that represents the emails you wish to utilize in the message.  For example, if you are sending to students make sure you select the column that represents the email for the student.  (Note:  Some reports could have more than one email; a student email AND a parent email.  Select the most appropriate column.)

Users selected in the report in the previous screen display will populate in this line. Each user will receive an individual message.

This is the subject line of the email. Placeholders are available to personalize your message to the user.

Frequently Asked Questions: