Create a Communication with InContact

Create a Communication with InContact

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To create a communication within InContact:

  1. Navigate to “InContact.” It is the 3rd option in the “Apps” tab drop down menu.

  2. Filter to find learner you wish to create a communication for.

  3. Click the three dots next to learner’s name and select “Add New Log”

  4. Fill out form and click “OK.”

Direct link to “InContact” here.

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InContact “Add New Log” Form

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  1. Student Name: Name of the student you are logging the Communication for.

  2. Date: Select the date for the Communication. A pop up calendar appears to select the date of contact. You can select today or an earlier date that communication occurred.

  3. Communication: Select the type of Communication such as email, web call, phone, in-person and more. You can select multiple communication types.

  4. Behavior: Select learner behavior type such as disengaged, disruptive, lacked focus and more. You can select multiple behavior types.

  5. Message: Put relevant and helpful information regarding the contact here. This is an internal field and does not show to the learner but can be included in some reports.

  6. Emoji: Opens the emoji menu to add to your message, if desired.

  7. Data Points: You are able select learner course performance information: Last Access, Grade, Number of Weeks Enrolled, Date of Last Submission, Score of Last Submission, Percent Complete, and Time Spent to be included in the message.

  8. Attempted or Completed: Check the appropriate box to indicate if the communication was attempted but not completed (for example trying to call a learner’s parents but no one answered) or if communication was complete. Completed communications show green in InContact and attempted but not completed communications show red.

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  1. Ok or Cancel: Click the “OK” button to save the communication or the “Cancel” button to discard it.


To create a communication within InContact for multiple users:

  1. Navigate to “InContact.” It is the 3rd option in the “Apps” tab drop down menu.

  2. Click “Filters” button in the top left corner and click “Multi-Select” button

  3. Fill out form and click “OK.”

Direct link to InContact here.

InContact Create Communication for Mulitple Learners.mp4

Multi-Select InContact Form:


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  1. Date: Select the date for the Communication. A pop up calendar appears to select the date of contact. You can select today or an earlier date that communication occurred.

  2. Communication: Select the type of Communication such as email, web call, phone, in-person and more. You can select multiple communication types.

  3. Behavior: Select learner behavior type such as disengaged, disruptive, lacked focus and more. You can select multiple behavior types.

  4. Courses: Select the course that you wish to input Communication for. You can only choose one course.

  5. Students: Select the students you wish to log InContact communication for. This list is automatically populated based on the course chosen.

  6. Message: Put relevant and helpful information regarding the contact here. This is an internal field and does not show to the learner but can be included in some reports.

  7. Emoji: Opens the emoji menu to add to your message, if desired.

  8. Attempted or Completed: Check the appropriate box to indicate if the communication was attempted but not completed (for example trying to call a learner’s parents but no one answered) or if communication was complete. Completed communications show green in InContact and attempted but not completed communications show red.

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  1. Ok or Cancel: Click the “OK” button to save the communication or the “Cancel” button to discard it.

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