Dashboard: InContact

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Description: This dashboard combines the Total Contacts bar chart, Grade Contact Correlation scatter plot, Next Contact Date tabular report, and InContact Log Detail tabular report. It can be filtered by Course and Category.

Roles that may benefit from this report:
Instructors: Can use the InContact Dashboard to track who has been contacted and when, while the "Next Contact Date" table automatically calculates when to reach out next. This simplifies communication management, ensuring timely and consistent student support.

Administrators: Can use the InContact Dashboard to track which instructors are not contacting learners to intercede where necessary.


Total Contacts

This bar chart shows the total number of contacts per learner as logged in InContact. It can be filtered by Category / Course and by contact date.

Horizontal Axis: Learner Name

Vertical Axis: Total number of contacts to learner

Sort By: Full Name or Total Contacts per Learner


Filters report to show results by Contact Date. Can be set to Exact, Range, Before, or After a specific date.

Grade Contact Correlation

This chart shows the correlation between the number of contacts logged via InContact and the course grade. It can be filtered by Category and Course.

Horizontal Axis: Total Contacts

Vertical Axis: Course Grade

Sort By: Total Contacts, Course Grade, or Student Grade


Next Contact Date

This table displays each student per course and a summary of InContact data with their First Contact, last Contact and Next Contact Date (calculated as Last Contact + 14 days). The report can be filtered by Category and Course.

Columns in Report:
Column Data Descriptions can also be found in the Data Dictionary in the help bar of IntelliBoard

Report Filters: