Dashboard: Activity Grade Overview (IB)

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Description: Allows an instructor to select a specific activity or group of activities and see the grade distribution, correlation between time spent and grade, summary statistics about the activity grades (average, minimum, median, maximum and standard deviation), and detail of students in the activity (grade, visits, time spent, participation, and first and last access).

Roles that may benefit from this report:
Instructors: Can use the Activity Grade Overview Dashboard to see grade distribution, correlations, and other statistics for specific activities to find areas of knowledge gaps within a course.


Activity Grade Distribution

The chart shows the number of learners who have achieved each letter grade for the selected activities as a histogram.

Horizontal Axis: Letter Grade

Vertical Axis: Number of Students with the grade

Sort By: Grade Letter or Student Grades


Activity Time Spent Grade Correlation

Shows the correlation between time spent on selected activities and the LMS gradebook grade on those activities per Learner. The user can filter by Course, Activity, and Graded At date.

Horizontal Axis: Time Spent

Vertical Axis: Grade Score

Sort By: Time Spent, Grade Score, or Student Grade


Activity Grade Summary

This tabular report provides summary statistics of grades for each activity, including average (mean), minimum, median, maximum, and standard deviation. The report can be filtered by course, activity, and graded at date.

Columns in Report:

Filters in the Report:

Activity Student Detail

This tabular report shows common statistics for each user in each activity, e.g. grade, graded at date, visits, time spent, participations, first and last access dates, and the span of "calendar time" during which the student accessed the activity. Filters allow selection by course, activity, and graded at date.

Header Data:

This data updates when filters are utilized.

Average Visits: Average number of visits to an activity or activities

Average Time Spent (Seconds): Average time spent on an activity or activities

Average Participations: Average participation in an activity or activities

Columns in Report:
Column Data Descriptions can also be found in the Data Dictionary in the help bar of IntelliBoard

Report Filters: