Dashboard: Completion

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Description: Provides Course completion percentage along with course completion details by user. This dashboard can be filtered by course.

Roles that may benefit from this report:
Academic Advisors and Course Designers: Can use the Completion Dashboard to track overall course completion rates and identify trends or patterns in student progress in order to pinpoint which students are struggling and which courses may need adjustments to improve completion rates.


Course Completion Percentage

Provides list of courses and percentage of users completed. Also provides total number of users and total number of users completed per course. Hidden filter applied to show only users with learner role defined in your connection settings.

Horizontal Axis: Completion percent

Vertical Axis: Course Name

Sort By: Courses Name, Total Users, Users Completed, or Completion Percent


Course Completion Details

Provides course completion details by course, each user completion status in a course, completion date, total visits and time spent allows filtering by course and completion status. Hidden filter applied to show users with Learner role only defined in your connection settings.

Columns in Report:


Header Data:

Average Courses Per User: Average number of course per user in the report

Total Users: Total number of users in the report

Average User Progress: Average of User’s progress in the report

Columns in Report:
Column Data Descriptions can also be found in the Data Dictionary in the help bar of IntelliBoard

Hidden Columns in Report: (Columns can be shown or hidden by sliding the corresponding toggle in the columns menu.)

Report Filters: