Dashboard: Inactive Learners in Courses
Description: The Inactive Learners in Courses Dashboard identifies users with a learner role who have an active enrollment status in a specific course. This does not include other non-learner roles or inactive enrollment statuses. To be counted 'active' the learner must access the course (does not consider activity submission to be active). This dashboard can be filtered by course or course access date range.
Roles that may benefit from this report:
Instructors: Can use the Inactive Learners in Courses Dashboard to quickly identify students who have not accessed the course within a specified timeframe, improve student engagement, and inform areas of the course that can be redesigned.
Inactive Learners in Courses (Bar Chart)
Header Data:
Number of Learners Who Have Never Accessed the Course: Total number of learners who have never accessed the course.
Number of Learners Who have not Accessed the Course in more than X days: Total number of learners who haven’t access course withing a set number of days, as determined by the filter settings.
Horizontal Axis: Course Name
Vertical Axis: Number of Learners
Sort By: Course Name, Course Teachers, Learners who have not accessed course in more than X days, or Learners who have never accessed course.
Inactive Learners in Courses
The Inactive Learners in Courses dataset identifies users with learner role with an active enrollment in a course who have not accessed a course in a particular time period. Last Access, Last Participation and Last Login Dates also are included to provide additional context. Used by a instructors, advisors to evaluate users with at-risk access behavior.
Header Data:
Total Learners: Total number of Learners in the Report
Columns in Report:
Column Data Descriptions can also be found in the Data Dictionary in the help bar of IntelliBoard
Hidden Columns in Report: (Columns can be shown or hidden by sliding the corresponding toggle in the columns menu.)
Report Filters:
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