Dashboard: Quiz Question

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Description: This dashboard summarizes quiz question performance. It includes the Quiz Question Performance Over Time line chart and the Quiz Question Analysis tablular report. It can be filtered by course and category, and by quiz and quiz question.

Roles that may benefit from this report:
Instructors: Can use the Quiz Question Dashboard to monitor how students are performing on specific quiz questions over time, identifying which questions are frequently missed or easily answered and can fine-tune their teaching strategies and provide targeted feedback or additional resources for challenging topics.

Course Designers: Can use the Quiz Question Dashboard to analyze overall question performance across multiple courses and categories, helping to ensure consistency and quality in assessments in order to guide curriculum adjustments, highlight areas where the material might need to be revised, and identify common misconceptions among learners.


Quiz Question Performance Over Time

Horizontal Axis: Date of Quiz Attempt

Vertical Axis: Quiz Score


Quiz Questions by Type

This pie chart shows the proportion of selected quiz questions by question type. It can be filtered by course and quiz, by question, and by quiz due date.

Sort By: Quiz Questions Types Names or Questions


Select Course name first to show available quiz names.

Header Data:

Quizzes: Number of Quizzes in the Report

Questions: Number of Questions in the Quizzes in the Report

Average Responses per Questions: Average number of responses per question in the report

Average Percentage Correct: Average percent correct responses to questions in the report

Columns in Report:
Column Data Descriptions can also be found in the Data Dictionary in the help bar of IntelliBoard

Hidden Columns in Report: (Columns can be shown or hidden by sliding the corresponding toggle in the columns menu.)

Report Filters: