Add Additional Student Information

Add Additional Student Information

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InContact allows you to add additional student information such as alternative email, parent's phone number, and even extra curriculum activity that the student is involved in. You can have all the necessary information within a page.

To add additional student information to InContact:

  1. Find the learner whose information you wish to add to and click on the three dots to the right of their name. The “Search” bar in the top right of InContact is a quick way to find a learner by name.

  2. Select Edit User Contact Information.

  3. Fill out the “Description” and “Text” fields with the appropriate information. For example, the description field may be “Telephone Number” and the text field would contain the phone number.

  4. Click the blue plus sign to the right of the fields to add it.

  5. Click “Save.” The contact information will now appear when you select “See User Contact Information.”

Direct link to InContact here.

Add additional student information to InContact.mp4

Edit User Contact Information Example

Edit User Contact Information.png

Frequently Asked Questions:

The contact information added through InContact will not be reflected in your institution SIS. If the change of information is permanent, it is recommended to update through the SIS.

Yes. Repeat the above step to access a learner’s “Edit User Contact Information.” Click the trash can next to the listing you wish to delete and click the “Okay” button to save.

Yes you can using a CSV file. The CSV file must have three columns labeled: Email, Description, and Text. Additional columns will be ignored. The file is limited to 1Mb.

Email Column: Must be the learner’s email as it is entered in the LMS system as it is used as a unique identifier.

Description Column: Is the description of the contact information. For example, Mom’s Cellphone, or Alternative Email Address.

Text Column: Is the contact information. For example, 555-555-7775, or alternate@noemail.com

To upload CSV file:

  1. In InContact, click the “Filters” button in the top left corner.

  2. Click the “Upload Contact CSV” button

  3. Click on “Choose File” and select the csv file you created.

  4. Click “Import.”

  5. The contact information will now appear the learner’s “See User Contact Info.”


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