Edit, Clone, and Delete Org (Organizational) Roles

Edit, Clone, and Delete Org (Organizational) Roles

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An Organizational Role serves as a predefined set of datasets and account permissions tailored for a particular group or role within an organization. These roles are subsequently assigned to IB Users. Examples of Organizational Roles may include, but aren't restricted to: Instructor Organizational Role, Learner Organizational Role, Course Admin Organizational Role, and All Access Organizational Role.

To access Org Roles:

  1. Login to your IntelliBoard Pro account and click on your Avatar to display a drop down menu.

  2. Select “Manage IB Org Roles” to access IB User page

  3. Under the “Actions” column of the specific Org Role, Click to edit the Org Role. Clickto clone the Org Role for quick Org Role creations. Clickto delete the Org Role.

*Org Roles can also be deleted within the “Edit” function. Scroll to the end of the form and click the “Delete” button.

Direct link to “Manage IB Organizational Roles” here.

Org Roles.mp4

Frequently Asked Questions:

The Primary Account holder automatically has access to Organizational Roles.  

The ability to manage Organizational Roles may be given to others as an Admin Permissions inside Organizational Roles.  To allow other people at your Organization to create, edit, clone or delete an Organizational Role, please allow "Manage Org Roles" under the Admin Permissions. 

No limit; your organization may have as many different Organizational Roles as you need. If you need any variation of dataset OR account permission you'll create an new Organizational Role. We suggest cloning Organizational Roles when you want to make a slight variation.

You do not need to create one Organizational for each individual IB User.  For example, all instructors at your organization could have their own credentialed account, but each of their accounts maybe granted the Organizational Role of "Instructor". 

The Organizational Role is a type of role; the IB User is an actual person. Org Roles are templates that assign access of certain datasets. Many IB Users may have the same Org Role.

For example, Dean Jane Smith is a specific IB User, who has the Organizational Role of Educational Dean. 

IntelliBoard’s Visual Builder allows permissioned IB Users create, edit, and delete datasets and calculations.

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