Visual Builder Overview

Visual Builder Overview

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The Visual Builder within IntelliBoard Pro empowers you, the user, to craft bespoke reports from the ground up, all without requiring any expertise in SQL programming. It enables you to design personalized reports, seamlessly incorporate columns and data points, apply filters, and format your data to construct a tailored narrative that aligns with your specific needs and objectives. The feature is primarily utilized by a small group of IntelliBoard administrators.

To access Visual Builder to Create a Dataset:

  1. In your IntelliBoard dashboard, click the “Create New” button and select “Create Dataset.”

  2. Complete the Visual Builder Form.

Direct link to “Visual Builder” here.

Visual Builder.mp4

Visual Builder Form Steps


Visual Builder Step 1.png

Step 1 Settings: Add Name and Description. You can utilize the description box to give
more information to the user (Instructions, messages about how to utilize the
data, etc).

Visual Builder Step 2.png

Step 2 Visualization: Choose the visualization you’d like for your dataset: Table, Cross-Tab Table, Multi-Level Table, Bar Chart, Pie Chart, Line Chart, Scatter Chart, Bubble Chart, or Heat Map.

Visual Builder Step 3.png

Step 3 LMS: Choose the LMS connection you wish to use to build the report. Click the “Go To Report” to start building your own data story.

Visual Builder components:


Visual Builder  (1).png


  1. Preview: See the what the new report will look like before finalizing

  2. SQL Code: Preview the SQL code for the newly created report

  3. Settings: Settings menu to change the name, description, or add tags for easy searching.

  4. Update Preview Authomatically: Toggle that allows you to turn on/off automatic data update to preview any changes on Layout. When it is on, data is updated right away as you add, modify, and remove columns and filters on Layout. When it is Off, the preview remains unchanged.

  5. Cancel or Save: “Cancel” to exit out of builder and delete what you’ve created or “Save” to add the new report to your “My Datasets.”

  6. Layout: Layout menu that lists the columns you can add to the report or “Add Field” to add datapoints and columns

  7. Filters: Filter menu to create drop down filters or hidden filters to narrow the data in the report

  8. Format: Format menu to change the look of the report-colors, fonts, and conditional formatting

  9. Calc: Calculation Menu to create stored formulas and columns to reuse in other reports

  10. Layout Area: Displays columns, filters, and formatting as you build.

  11. Arrow: Toggles between the tabs: Layout, Filter, Format, Calc

  12. Dataset Type: Change the visualization of the dataset: Table, Cross-Tab Table, Multi-Level Table, Bar Chart, Pie Chart, Line Chart, Scatter, Bubble Chart, or Heat Map.

  13. Add Column: Add Columns of data to your table from: Unified Tables, InContact, PLA, and InForm. You can check the box next to a data field and add them one at a time to your report or slide the “Bulk Mode” toggle at the top to add several data fields at once.

  14. Default Column Sort: Once you have added columns to the table, you can choose which column will be used as the default column to sort by when the report is initially opened.

Visual Builder Layout Menu

Visual Builder Layout Menu (1).png

Table Type Options

Choose the Table Type(s) to select data to build Columns in your dataset. You can select multiple options, a single option, or all options. The menu will populate with categories that expand to show available datapoints (columns).

Visual Build Column Tables (1).png

Visual Builder Filter Menu

Similarly to the Layout Menu, the Filter Menu displays categories with available datapoints that can be filtered.

Visual Builder Filter Menu.png

Filter Operation Options:

Filter Options in Visual Builder.png

Visual Builder Format Menu

Visual Builder Format Menu (1).png

Column Format Menu:

Select the Screenshot 2024-04-04 113945.png icon to the far right of the column name to open the Column Format Menu.

Column Filters.png




Editing an Existing Dataset:

  1. Open the report you wish to edit in “My Datasets.”

  2. Click the “Edit” button in the top right of the dataset.

  3. Visual Builder menu will open on the right.

  4. Click “Save” to save any changes or “Cancel” to revert back to most recent saved version of the report.

Editing a Dataset.mp4


Additional Visual Builder Articles:

Building Cross-Tab Reports

Build a Multilevel Table Chart

Creating Component Filters for Dashboards

Creating Downloadable Certificates for Moodle

Exporting and Importing Dataset Definition

Adding Formulas to a Dataset to Create a Custom Datapoint or Column

Create Conditional Formatting to Highlight Important Data

SQL Building

Frequently Asked Questions:

Participation data is calculated and stored by IntelliBoard from the moment a connection is established.
IntelliBoard does not report on historical participation data.

Average (Including Nulls as 0) 

Calculates the average value of all columns, treating NULL values as 0. Simply, it counts the average meaning of all columns which have value, hiding NULL values.

Average (Mean)

Calculates the mean average of all rows, obtained by dividing the sum of the row values by their count.


Counts the number of all rows in the table, ignoring NULL values.

Count Null

Counts all rows in the dataset, including those containing NULL values.

Group Concantenate

Combines non-NULL values from a group into a single string result.

Inter-Quartile Range

It is a measure of the middle 50% spread of values. Preferred over many other measures of spread when reporting school performance or SAT scores.


Identifies the highest value within the dataset.


Indicates the midpoint of the dataset.


Determines the lowest non-NULL value in the dataset..

Minimum (Including Null as 0)

Identifies the lowest value in the dataset, considering NULL as 0.

Modifier First

Returns first non-NULL modified data in the table.

Modifier Last

Returns last non-NULL modified data in the table.


The difference between the largest and smallest values. Can be used for the dispersion of the class's test scores.

Standard Deviation

It is a single number that summarizes the variation or dispersion in a dataset. Simply, it shows how spread out the numbers are.


Calculates the total sum of any sequence of numbers.

Date filters can be applied to any datapoint with a date format in the database to filter a report based on a date or date range.

To create a date filter:

  1. Open an existing report in “My Datasets” or create a new report in the Visual Builder tool.

  2. Click the “Edit” button in the top right corner of the report.

  3. In the visual builder menu, select the “Filter” tab.

  4. Select “Create” under the “Filters” menu to create a filter for the entire report, not the “Create” button under the Column Filters menu.

  5. Select the category you wish to use as a datapoint filter. For example, you may choose “Enrollment Category” and select “Enrollment Start Date.” The datapoint must be in a date data format.

  6. Displayed are three types of date filter options: Hidden, Date, and Within Date Range. Select which filter type to use and apply the filter. Click “Save” in your report to save the changes.

Hidden Filter Type Options.png
Hidden Filter Type Options
Date Filter Type Options.png
Date Filter Type Options
Within Date Range Filter.png
Within Date Range Filter Type Options


Yes if you are using a Moodle Based LMS. IntelliBoard dynamically scans Moodle Based LMS for custom user profile fields and stores the found fields in a separate table. It is listed as User Custom Profile Fields in the Visual Builder. These can be used as datapoints and columns in reports or as filters.

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