Creating Downloadable Certificates for Moodle

Creating Downloadable Certificates for Moodle

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This guide explains how to construct a link to download a certificate using IntelliBoard Pro. This is only available for IntelliBoard Pro Moodle Users.

To created downloadable certificates:

  1. Construct Basic Report: Create a basic report in IntelliBoard to hold the link that will allow a user to view or download a certificate. You can include fields such as: Participant Name, Certificate Code, Certificate Issue Date, Certificate Expiration Date, and Certificate Name.

  2. Construct Link Formula: Build a formula to generate the URL for downloading the certificate. The URL is typically based on the Certificate Issue Date and Certificate Code. HTML tags are used to create an active link. The components of the URL are concatenated using quoted strings and plus signs in the formula builder.

    • In the final column, we create a formula to generate the link. Moodle stores the URL for each certificate using a pattern derived from the Certificate Issue Date and the Certificate Code. We utilize HTML tags to create an active link, incorporating the path to the Moodle site and the location where certificates are stored as PDF files.

      For example, this URL is constructed using the following elements:

      • Moodle base URL: https://mwplarge.intelliboard.net (Please adjust this to your own Moodle base URL)

      • Path to certificate issues: pluginfile.php/1/tool_certificate/issues/

      The link follows a standard pattern:

      <a href = url_to_location> link_text </a>

      Using the formula builder, we concatenate these components with quoted strings and plus signs:

      "<a href = https://mwplarge.intelliboard.net/pluginfile.php/1/tool_certificate/issues/" + [MWP Certificate Issues Time Created] + "/" + [MWP Certificate Issues Col Code 279 Title] + ".pdf> View </a>"

      Here, "View" serves as the link text, which can be replaced with any desired string, such as the certificate name or participant name.

      Remember to save the formula as a data type "string."

  3. Format Link Column: By default, the resulting formula displays only the link text as plain text. To convert it into a live link, go to the “Format” tab in the report and click the edit icon next to the formula. Scroll down to the “Types” control and choose “Html.”

  4. The formula column will now display the link value as a live link to the certificate document.

Additional Visual Builder Articles:

Visual Builder Overview

Building Cross-Tab Reports

Build a Multilevel Table Chart

Creating Component Filters for Dashboards

Exporting and Importing Dataset Definition

Adding Formulas to a Dataset to Create a Custom Datapoint or Column

Create Conditional Formatting to Highlight Important Data

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