Build a Multilevel Table Chart

Build a Multilevel Table Chart

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Breaking down information into groups can enhance comprehension. For instance, organizing sales data by region in a report can reveal trends that might otherwise be overlooked. Moreover, incorporating aggregations like sums or averages for each group in your report can eliminate the need for manual calculations.

To build a multilevel table chart:

  1. In your IntelliBoard dashboard, click the “Create New” button and select “Create Dataset.”

  2. Complete the Report Builder form, choosing Multilevel Table in the Visualization step.

Direct link to “Visual Builder” here.

  1. Multilevel Tables allow splitting data in to 3 groups (break column levels). In the “Layout” menu, click “Add” beneath the “Column Level 1: Break.” At least one column level break is required in order to add regular columns.

  2. Add a second or third column level break if desired. Once all desired column level breaks are added, regular columns can be added in the “Layout” menu by scrolling down and clicking “Add” under “Columns” section.

  3. For Each break level data specific default sorting options can be set. Click “Column Level 1, 2 or 3: Sorting” to select a sorting break column. The fields available for sorting are contingent upon the data field designated as the break level column. Only fields from the same table as the break column are accessible for sorting. For instance, if you've chosen "Category Name" as your break level column, you can sort your data using any field from the "Category" table.

  4. Add filters and make format changes. For more information, view the Visual Builder Overview page.

  5. Add aggregations. Multilevel Tables provide additional options for aggregations, allowing the selection of 3 additional locations for aggregations: Break Column Level 1, 2, and 3.
    Aggregation options

    Aggregation Columns.png

    Aggregation Locations example using Average (Mean)

Aggregation Levels.png

Additional Visual Builder Articles:

Visual Builder Overview

Building Cross-Tab Reports

Build a Multilevel Table Chart

Creating Component Filters for Dashboards

Creating Downloadable Certificates for Moodle

Exporting and Importing Dataset Definition

Adding Formulas to a Dataset to Create a Custom Datapoint or Column

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