Roles Overview

Roles Overview

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IntelliCart offers you to have own Roles that may differ from those already available in the LMS. All the roles could be limited within permissions.

To find IntelliCart roles:

  1. From IntelliCart, open the Administration.

  2. From Administration, click on Settings

  3. From there, select Roles.



Roles Overview

  1. Role ID - The ID number of the role as automatically assigned in the LMS system.

  2. Name - Role Name as entered.

  3. Assign users - Assign specific users to the role, so they will have IntelliCart role's permissions.

  4. Assign LMS roles - Assign full roles existing in LMS system to the IntelliCart role, so that users with this LMS role will have IntelliCart role's permissions.
    NOTE: Name field for assignation is case-sensitive. You should enter the exact LMS role name here before assignation. All caps and punctuation must be preserved.

  5. Permissions - Define permissions for the selected role. Find description for all available permissions below.

  6. Edit - Re-name the IntelliCart role, if required.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Below is a list of available role permissions. Any or all of these may be enabled or disabled for IntelliCart roles.

Manage Categories
Manage Products
Manage Coupons
Manage Sales
Manage Roles
Manage Settings
Manage Vendors
Can Edit Vendors
Can Delete Vendors
Can Create Vendors
Can Edit Category
Can Delete Category
Can Create Category
Can Edit Product
Can Delete Product
Can Create Product
Manage Payments
Manage Custom Fields
Manage Discounts
Manage Waitlist
Manage Assign Users
Manage Vendors Relations
Manage Taxes
Manage Catalog
Manage Notifications
Manage Currencies
Manage My Products
Manage My Courses
Manage My Orders
Manage Users
Manage Administration
Manage Reviews
Can Approve Invoice

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