Organizational Settings

Organizational Settings

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The Primary Account Holder (IntelliBoard Administrator) has to option to set certain settings for every account within their organization including: Language, Time Zone, Time Format, Date Format, Rows per Page, and more. Additionally, the Organizational Settings page includes information on your IntelliBoard subscription including your subscription expiration date. Audit Logs to monitor user actions within IntelliBoard, and Login Logs to monitor all logins to IntelliBoard are accessible from this page as well.

To access these settings:

  1. Login to your IntelliBoard Pro account and click on your Avatar to display a drop down menu.

  2. Select “Manage Your IntelliBoard Account”

  3. Click the “Organizational Settings” tab next to “My Profile.”



  4. Scroll down to access Subscription information and organizational settings.

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Manage Organization Settings:

Quickly view the total number of IntelliBoard users, Org Roles, and Connections, see an overview of your IntelliBoard Subscription, and access your Audit and Login Logs.


Edit Organization Settings:

Set Organizational Settings for all users in your organization here. Individual users have the ability to set their own if they do not wish to use the organizational settings.

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  1. Organization: Set your Organization’s Name and use the dropdown menu to select your Organization’s Industry (Government, Professional Learning, K12, or Higher Education)

  2. Organization Alias: Set your Organization’s Alias or use the default alias. An organizational alias is an alternate name assigned to an organization, often used for technical or identification purposes. In the context of SSO (Single Sign-On), the alias is automatically populated in the SSO URL to uniquely identify the organization within the system.

  3. Default Settings: These settings are applied to all IntelliBoard Users. Some of these settings can be modified by the individual user.
    Language: Select the language displayed in IntelliBoard. Currently, IntelliBoard supports English and Spanish. This can be modified by the individual user in “My Account Settings.”
    Time Format: Set how you prefer time to be displayed: 12 or 24 hours formats. This can be modified by the individual user in “My Account Settings.”
    Row per Page: Set the default number of rows to appear on reports per page: 10, 25, 50, 100.
    Two Factor Authentification: Select whether two factor authentication is required or optional for IntelliBoard Users.
    Time Zone: Set the time zone your Organization prefers. This can be modified by the individual user in “My Account Settings.”
    Date Format: Set the preferred date format: YYYY-MM-DD, MM-DD-YYYY, or DD-MM-YYYY. This can be modified by the individual user in “My Account Settings.”
    Filter Limit: Select the number of maximum courses permitted before changing to a complex filter type. The complex filter allows for faster load, but requires more clicks in the selection.
    Sticky Filters: Select if Sticky Filters are enabled or disabled. Sticky filters remember your previous selection between IntelliBoard sessions by saving to your browser cache.

  4. Visualizations Color Palette: Select a color palette from the list that will be used by default in all your visualizations. You can selected from premade Single-Toned or IntelliBoard System palette, or create a custom palette to match organizational branding. Those with Builder permissions are able to personalize dataset colors as desired when default color palettes are set.



  5. Organization Email Signature: This signature will be applied to all notifications and will display under the personal signature of the individual IB User. The maximum number of characters allowed in the signature is 5000. This can be modified by the individual user in “My Account Settings.”

  6. Save Changes: Save any changes made to the settings to update for all IntelliBoard users.

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