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To enable sharing of datasets and dashboards among users in your organization, the Primary Account holder (and other authorized users) can create IntelliBoard Users (IB Users) and assign them Organizational Roles. An Organizational Role acts as a template containing datasets and permissions, which can be applied to multiple IB Users. Each IB User represents a credentialed account within IntelliBoard, allowing them to access specific datasets based on their assigned data assignments.
To create, import, or sync IB Users:
Login to your IntelliBoard Pro account and click on your Avatar to display a drop down menu.
Select “Manage IB Users” to access IB User page
Go to the “Create IB User” button in the top right corner and use the drop down menu to select: Create IB User, Sync IB Users, or Import IB Users.
This method is for manually creating one IB User at a time.
After following the above instructions to access the “Manage IB Users” page, click on “Create IB User” button.
The “Create IB User” form will appear. Complete form and click “Create Account” button.
Create IB User Form
Select Avatar: This isn’t required for IB User set up and defaults to the initials of the IB User. The user can change it later. Upload and Delete an Avatar
IB Organizational Role: Drop down menu that displays all active Org Roles created by your Organization.
Email Address: The user’s email address. IntelliBoard uses email as the unique credentialed agent. If you are trying to create an IB user with an email that already exists in your account (or in another account), it cannot be created.
First Name: The IB User’s first name.
Last Name: The IB User’s last name.
Password: Create the IB User’s password. Password requirements: Minimum 8 Characters; Maximum 78 Characters. Must contain at least one number, one lowercase letter, one uppercase letter, and one special character.
Account Status: Make the account status active. Only active IB Users can access IntelliBoard.
Connections: Check the boxes of the Connections the IB User should have access to.
Cancel or Create Account: Click “Create Account” to save the information and create the IB User account or click “Cancel” to abort the process.
After following the above instructions to access the “Manage IB Users” page, click on “Sync IB Users” in the drop down menu.
The “Sync IB User” form will appear. Complete form and click “Sync All Users” or “Sync Selected Users” button.
Sync IB User Form
Step 1: This is a drop down menu to select the connection from where you’d like to Sync IB Users. Only active connections will appear here. If the connection you’re looking for doesn’t appear, check the connection is active.
Step 2: This is a drop down menu to select the IntelliBoard Organizational Role to assign the new Users. Only active Organizational Roles will appear here.
Step 3: This is a drop down menu to select the LMS Role(s) you wish to sync IB Users from. This will display each LMS user with that LMS role in the next step.
Step 4: You can choose to “Sync All Users” that have populated this field or you can check the boxes next to specific users and “Sync Selected Users.” A search bar is available to quickly locate specific users by name.
Important Considerations:
IntelliBoard uses email as the unique credentialed agent. If you are trying to create an IB user with an email that already exists in your account (or in another account), it cannot be created. Please contact for additional assistance or delete the duplicative email.
If the LTI is enabled for IntelliBoard, the IntelliBoard email and the primary email in the LMS must match.
An Organizational Role must be active in order to assign to an IB User; to access IntelliBoard an IB User must have an active Org Role. If you do not see the Org Role you wish to assign, please ensure it is active.
If you change your roles under Connections > Roles Filters, please re-process your LMS Connection data to see the updated filters.
After following the above instructions to access the “Manage IB Users” page, click on “Import IB Users” in the drop down menu.
The “Import IB Users” form will appear. Complete form and click the “Submit” button.
Import IB Users Form
Step 1 - Select LMS Type:
This is a drop down menu to select the LMS connection to assign to the imported IB Users. The selection will trigger the import files that appear in Import File. If an LMS connection has not been made, a warning will display “The connection was not added yet. Add at least once connection to start the import.”
Step 2 - Select LMS Connection:
Select the specific connection. In most cases, there will only be one LMS connection.
Step 3 - Import File
Import a CSV file with user information.Download the “Sample CSV” file see an example of the file. Download the “Blank CSV” file to fill out the fields and upload. File may contain up to 1000 rows.
firstname: The user’s first name. This is a required field.
lastname: The user’s last name. This is a required field.
email: The user’s email address. This is a required field. IntelliBoard uses email as the unique credentialed agent. If you are trying to create an IB user with an email that already exists in your account (or in another account), it cannot be created. If the LTI is enabled for IntelliBoard, the IntelliBoard email and the primary email in the LMS must match.
password: The user’s password. Password requirements: Minimum 8 Characters; Maximum 78 Characters and must contain at least one number, one lowercase letter, one uppercase letter, and one special character. This field is NOT required. Passwords can be bulk assigned later in the password field of the Import IB Users Form.
role: The Id of the IB Org role you want to assign at import. IB Org Role IDs can be found in the “Manage IB Organization Roles” table in your IntelliBoard account. This field is NOT required. Organizational (Org) Roles Overview
assign_: Data assignments can be made respective to the LMS you use. Below are the data fields that can be assigned in each LMS. These are NOT required.
Blackboard: Users, Courses, Terms, and Nodes
Brightspace/D2L: Users, Courses, Terms, and Org Units
Canvas Data 2: Users, Courses, Terms, Courses Categories (SubAccounts)
Moodle, Moodle Workplace, Open LMS, and Totara: Users, Courses, Course Categories, Cohorts, User Profile Field, and Parent Role.
Step 4 - Information added will be entered for empty columns in the file upload:
Select the type of upload as well as create default values for Org Role and Password fields that were not required in the CSV import.
Upload Type: There are three options for upload type.
Add new only, skip existing users: Only users who are not inside IntelliBoard will be imported; if the user exists in IntelliBoard with the same email, the user will be skipped and not re-created or updated inside IntelliBoard; the file will continue to import users.
Add new and update existing users: All users will be imported inside IntelliBoard, if there is an existing email for a user, the user with the existing email may be updated. For example, if the email exists in the system and in the file and has different data, all data is updated for the user including name, org role, connection, data filters.
Update existing users: Only users who are already inside IntelliBoard with the same email will be updated. New users who are in the file will not be imported.
IB Org Role: This is a drop down menu to select the IB Org Role you want the imported IB Users to be assigned. This step must be completed if you did not include it in the CSV file. If you did include Org Role ID in the CSV file, leave this field at “IB Org Role.”
Password: Here you can bulk assign a password to all users you are importing. Password requirements: Minimum 8 Characters; Maximum 78 Characters and must contain at least one number, one lowercase letter, one uppercase letter, and one special character.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Create IB User: Creates one user manually (best for initial start up and pilots)
Sync IB Users: Utilizes the LMS permissions and details to create IB Users (recommended)
Import IB Users: Uploads users through a CSV sheet
We recommend following the directions to import or sync IB Users above.
The Primary Account Holder or someone with Admin Permissions can edit Avatars for IntelliBoard Users. From your avatar, navigate to the “Manage IB Users.” Under the “Actions” column next to the IB User’s name, click the three dots and click “Edit.” You can now upload or delete that IB User’s avatar.