Integrations: Creating Connections to your Primary LMS

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To configure an IntelliBoard connection, you must be an Administrator of the LMS and IntelliBoard Pro with full admin permissions.

To make a Connection on IntelliBoard Pro:

  1. Select the “Integrations” Tab

  2. Select the connection you wish to make and select the “+Connect” in the bottom right corner of the connection.

  3. Fill out the required information for connection.

Direct link to “Integration” here.

Integrations Tab.mp4

Blackboard LMS/Anthology

Prior To Connection:

Blackboard Data Setup:

  1. Log in to using your institutional account.

  2. If you have previously enabled a service account, please reset your password to avoid connection issues.  If you have not enabled a service account, expand the menu by clicking the 3 bar icon in the top left, then choose "Settings" under Developer:

  3. To enable the service account, click "Change Password"

  4. Next, click "Developer" in the left menu.

  5. From the Developer page, find the "Access Your Institutional Data" card and click "Launch Snowflake"

  6. This will open Snowflake in a new tab or window.

  7. First, copy the url from the browser's address bar.  Only include the portion between https:// and  .com, such as ""

  8. Use the service account name and password from BB Data to log in.

    1. Note: do not use SSO or a personal account to login, make sure you are logging in with the BB Data service account.

  9. From the Left menu, click Data then Databases:

  10. Find the database you wish to connect to IBPro in the middle column, and click it to expand permissions in the right hand window:

  11. All we need from here is to copy the database name - typically "BLACKBOARD_DATA_" followed by a hash number.  You will need to copy the entire hash number along with the prefix for step 3.4 below.


IntelliBoard Pro Setup:

  1. From your IB Pro admin account, select Integrations from the top menu.

  2. Find the BlackBoard Data card and click “+Connect” in the bottom right hand corner of the card.

  3. Fill out the form

Screenshot 2024-03-20 144445.png

LMS Name: Friendly name for the connection for identification purposes

Host: this is the url from Snowflake, step 7 above. Reminder: only include the portion between https://  and ".com"  


Port: 443 is the default port for Snowflake.  Confirm the user has not changed this.

Database Name:  this is the database name copied from Snowflake under CDM_LMS.

Username: the service account username (ex: SVC_BLACKBOARD_DATA) or preferred/current Snowflake account.

Password: the service account password or password for your previously activated Snowflake account.

Active: Set the connection to active

Select Hour to Process Daily: Choose the processing frequency, and click save.

Brightspace by D2L LMS

IntelliBoard Pro leverages Brightspace's OAuth 2.0 connection with a Brightspace App.  Keys are created which allows IntelliBoard Pro to process the Brightspace data on a daily basis.

Creating Client Key

  • From Admin Tools > Manage Extensibility (under Organization Related Header) Direct Pathway: /d2l/lp/extensibility/home

  • Click "OAuth 2.0" in the header
    Direct Pathway: /d2l/lp/extensibility/oauth2

  • Click "Register and App"

  • Insert the follow details under "Register an Application" and Save

Application Name 

IntelliBoard Pro

Redirect URL


core:*:* datahub:*:*

Access Token



IntelliBoard Pro Connection


Select All 3 Terms

  • Upon save, Client Key and Client Secret Key will be created.  Copy and paste into IntelliBoard Pro.

Creating a Connection Category

IntelliBoard allows you to create categories for your connections.  For additional information click here.


Select a time for Daily Processing
IntelliBoard allows you to select a time to process your data.  We recommend choosing an 'off hour' to have the freshest data for the next day.


Step 3: Click Continue

Upon clicking Continue, you'll see  green check marks on URL and Keys if the connection is successful and be redirected to authorize the connection through Brightspace.  If unsuccessful, please review the steps above to adjust settings.  For additional assistance, please contact 


Step 4: Click Accept

Brightspace LMS will prompt to authorize IntelliBoard to connect. Click "Accept".

Step 5: Review Filter Settings 

From within IntelliBoard, review the following Filter Settings, make selections, and save. 


  User Filters

  Drop Down; Required; See details below for options.

  Course Filters > Course 

  Drop Down; Required; See details below for options.

  Course Filters > Semester

  Drop Down; See details below for options.

  Course Filters > Org Unit

  Drop Down; See details below for options.

  Types of Categories > Category

  Radio Selection; Required; See below for options.


User Filters: 

  1. All Users - All Users in the System 

  2. Active Users - All unhidden/unsuspended users in the System

Course Filters > Course:

  1. All Courses - All Courses in the System 

  2. Active Courses- All unhidden/inactive courses in the System


Course Filters > Semesters:

  1. All Semesters - All Semesters in the System, including newly added Semesters

  2. Partial Semesters - Partial Semesters; select certain Semesters within your system to bring into IntelliBoard


Course Filters > Org Units: 

  1. All Org Units - All Org Units in the System, including newly added Org Units

  2. Partial Org Units - Partial Org Units ; select certain Org Units within your system to bring into IntelliBoard


Types of Categories > Categories: 

Choose one of three options, to match how your Org Units are defined by: 1) Department, 2) Semester, OR 3) Course Templates


Step 6: Review Role Settings

From within IntelliBoard, review the following Role Settings, make selections, and save.  Each section is populated with all roles inside your LMS.  

Map your LMS roles to IntelliBoard Roles.  This is important for role clarity within the Builder, IB Users, and the LTI. 

When complete, please click save. 


  Instructor Roles

  Drop Down; Required

  Learner Roles 

  Drop Down; Required

  Admin Roles

  Drop Down

  Course Admin Roles

  Drop Down


Step 7:  Process Data

Direct Link:

  • From Manage my IntelliBoard Account, click My Connections

  • Click the name of the URL or Edit, to open the connection.

  • Click on Process Data


IntelliBoard Pro Setup:

  1. From your IB Pro admin account, select Integrations from the top menu.

  2. Find the D2L card and click “+Connect” in the bottom right hand corner of the card.

  3. Fill out the form.


LMS Name: Friendly name for the connection

URL: Copy and Paste the URL of your LMS Note: Include HTTPS:// and do not include any additional pathways

Client ID: The Client ID was created in the set up within D2L. Copy and paste it into this form.

Client Secret Key: The Client Secret Key was created in the set up within D2L. Copy and paste it into this form.

Category: IntelliBoard allows you to create categories for you connections. Use the drop down menu to view options if wanted.

Active: Set the connection to active

Select Hour to Process Daily: Choose the processing frequency, and click save.

Canvas Data 2 LMS

Moodle, Moodle Workplace, Open LMS, Open LMS Work, and Totara

Totara Cloud and Version 17+


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