Integrations: Creating Connections to your Primary LMS
Aprile Keith
Natalia Dovhan
To configure an IntelliBoard connection, you must be an Administrator of the LMS and IntelliBoard Pro with full admin permissions.
To make a Connection on IntelliBoard Pro:
Select the “Integrations” Tab
Select the connection you wish to make and select the “+Connect” in the bottom right corner of the connection.
Fill out the required information for connection.
Direct link to “Integration” here.
Blackboard LMS/Anthology
Prior To Connection:
Blackboard Data/Anthology access must be enabled in order to use this connection method. For more information on enabling this service, please visit
Ensure access to your institutional Blackboard Data/Anthology account. Without institutional access, you may not be able to complete setup, or may see incomplete data.
Blackboard Data Setup:
Log in to using your institutional account.
If you have previously enabled a service account, please reset your password to avoid connection issues. If you have not enabled a service account, expand the menu by clicking the 3 bar icon in the top left, then choose "Settings" under Developer:
To enable the service account, click "Change Password"
Next, click "Developer" in the left menu.
From the Developer page, find the "Access Your Institutional Data" card and click "Launch Snowflake"
This will open Snowflake in a new tab or window.
First, copy the url from the browser's address bar. Only include the portion between https:// and .com, such as ""
Use the service account name and password from BB Data to log in.
Note: do not use SSO or a personal account to login, make sure you are logging in with the BB Data service account.
From the Left menu, click Data then Databases:
Find the database you wish to connect to IBPro in the middle column, and click it to expand permissions in the right hand window:
All we need from here is to copy the database name - typically "BLACKBOARD_DATA_" followed by a hash number. You will need to copy the entire hash number along with the prefix for step 3.4 below.
IntelliBoard Pro Setup:
From your IB Pro admin account, select Integrations from the top menu.
Find the BlackBoard Data card and click “+Connect” in the bottom right hand corner of the card.
Fill out the form
LMS Name: Friendly name for the connection for identification purposes
Host: this is the url from Snowflake, step 7 above. Reminder: only include the portion between https:// and ".com"
Port: 443 is the default port for Snowflake. Confirm the user has not changed this.
Database Name: this is the database name copied from Snowflake under CDM_LMS.
Username: the service account username (ex: SVC_BLACKBOARD_DATA) or preferred/current Snowflake account.
Password: the service account password or password for your previously activated Snowflake account.
Active: Set the connection to active
Select Hour to Process Daily: Choose the processing frequency, and click save.
Brightspace by D2L LMS
IntelliBoard Pro leverages Brightspace's OAuth 2.0 connection with a Brightspace App. Keys are created which allows IntelliBoard Pro to process the Brightspace data on a daily basis.
Creating Client Key
From Admin Tools > Manage Extensibility (under Organization Related Header) Direct Pathway: /d2l/lp/extensibility/home
Click "OAuth 2.0" in the header
Direct Pathway: /d2l/lp/extensibility/oauth2Click "Register and App"
Insert the follow details under "Register an Application" and Save
Application Name | IntelliBoard Pro |
Redirect URL | |
Scope | core:*:* datahub:*:* |
Access Token | 3600 |
Description | IntelliBoard Pro Connection |
T+Cs | Select All 3 Terms |
Upon save, Client Key and Client Secret Key will be created. Copy and paste into IntelliBoard Pro.
Creating a Connection Category
IntelliBoard allows you to create categories for your connections. For additional information click here.
Select a time for Daily Processing
IntelliBoard allows you to select a time to process your data. We recommend choosing an 'off hour' to have the freshest data for the next day.
Step 3: Click Continue
Upon clicking Continue, you'll see green check marks on URL and Keys if the connection is successful and be redirected to authorize the connection through Brightspace. If unsuccessful, please review the steps above to adjust settings. For additional assistance, please contact
Step 4: Click Accept
Brightspace LMS will prompt to authorize IntelliBoard to connect. Click "Accept".
Step 5: Review Filter Settings
From within IntelliBoard, review the following Filter Settings, make selections, and save.
User Filters | Drop Down; Required; See details below for options. |
Course Filters > Course | Drop Down; Required; See details below for options. |
Course Filters > Semester | Drop Down; See details below for options. |
Course Filters > Org Unit | Drop Down; See details below for options. |
Types of Categories > Category | Radio Selection; Required; See below for options. |
User Filters:
All Users - All Users in the System
Active Users - All unhidden/unsuspended users in the System
Course Filters > Course:
All Courses - All Courses in the System
Active Courses- All unhidden/inactive courses in the System
Course Filters > Semesters:
All Semesters - All Semesters in the System, including newly added Semesters
Partial Semesters - Partial Semesters; select certain Semesters within your system to bring into IntelliBoard
Course Filters > Org Units:
All Org Units - All Org Units in the System, including newly added Org Units
Partial Org Units - Partial Org Units ; select certain Org Units within your system to bring into IntelliBoard
Types of Categories > Categories:
Choose one of three options, to match how your Org Units are defined by: 1) Department, 2) Semester, OR 3) Course Templates
Step 6: Review Role Settings
From within IntelliBoard, review the following Role Settings, make selections, and save. Each section is populated with all roles inside your LMS.
Map your LMS roles to IntelliBoard Roles. This is important for role clarity within the Builder, IB Users, and the LTI.
When complete, please click save.
Instructor Roles | Drop Down; Required |
Learner Roles | Drop Down; Required |
Admin Roles | Drop Down |
Course Admin Roles | Drop Down |
Step 7: Process Data
Direct Link:
From Manage my IntelliBoard Account, click My Connections
Click the name of the URL or Edit, to open the connection.
Click on Process Data
IntelliBoard Pro Setup:
From your IB Pro admin account, select Integrations from the top menu.
Find the D2L card and click “+Connect” in the bottom right hand corner of the card.
Fill out the form.
LMS Name: Friendly name for the connection
URL: Copy and Paste the URL of your LMS Note: Include HTTPS:// and do not include any additional pathways
Client ID: The Client ID was created in the set up within D2L. Copy and paste it into this form.
Client Secret Key: The Client Secret Key was created in the set up within D2L. Copy and paste it into this form.
Category: IntelliBoard allows you to create categories for you connections. Use the drop down menu to view options if wanted.
Active: Set the connection to active
Select Hour to Process Daily: Choose the processing frequency, and click save.
Canvas Data 2 LMS
IntelliBoard Pro Setup:
From your IB Pro admin account, select Integrations from the top menu.
Find the Canvas CD2 card and click “+Connect” in the bottom right hand corner of the card.
Fill out the form.
LMS Name: Friendly name for the connection for identification purposes
URL: Copy and Paste the URL of your LMS Note: Include HTTPS:// and do not include any additional pathways
Client ID: he Client ID was created in steps 1-5 in the Canvas setup. Copy and paste it into this form.
Client Secret Key: The Client Secret Key was created steps 1-5 in the Canvas setup. Copy and paste it into this form.
Category: IntelliBoard allows you to create categories for you connections. Use the drop down menu to view options if wanted.
Active: Set the connection to active
Dynamic Tables: Check the box for Dynamic Tables, also known as LMS Native Tables (eg. Syllabus, Discussion) NOTE: Please consult with your IntelliBoard account manager or solution expert before enabling.
Processing Frequency: Select the processing frequency for the integration. Data is refreshed every 4 hours for CD2.
Data Client ID: The Data Client ID was created in steps 6-11 in the Canvas setup. Copy and paste it into this form.
Data Client Secret: The Data Client Secret was created in steps 6-11 in the Canvas setup. Copy and paste it into this form.
*If you already have Canvas set up in your IntelliBoard account, go to Connection Settings and add the Key and Secret from the last steps under the “Canvas Data Tokens” section.
In Canvas, "Time Spent" tracks the total time a student is logged into a course, "Visits" counts the number of times a student navigates to specific pages or resources, and "Participations" records active engagement activities like submissions and posts. Canvas counts quiz activities twice (when accessed and submitted), but the IntelliBoard platform, using the Canvas API, counts quiz participation only once. This difference is crucial for accurately interpreting student engagement, with IntelliBoard's participation data aligning with Canvas's "Access Report" counts. Understanding these metrics helps educators assess student involvement and identify areas needing support.
Moodle, Moodle Workplace, Open LMS, Open LMS Work, and Totara
The IntelliBoard Pro plugin is called IntelliData and is found on GitHub.
Direct Link: GitHub - intelliboard/intellidata: IntelliBoard Moodle Plugin for IBNEXT
Step 2: Validate the LMS Settings
Enable Web Services
Site Administration > Advanced Features
Find Enable Web Service and click enable.
Click Save Changes
Enable REST Protocol
Moodle Version 3.10+: Site Administration > Server > Web Services > Manage Protocols
Moodle 3.9: Site Administration > Plugins > Web Services > Manage Protocols
Find REST aned enable (open eye)
Click Save Changes
Verify Authorized Users through External Services
Moodle Version 3.10+: Site Administration > Server > Web Services > External Services
Moodle 3.9: Site Administration > Plugins > Web Services > External Services
Find IntelliData Service, it should show All Users.
If it does not say All Users, please edit to allow All Users or add the Authorized Users who have Site Admin privileges.
Step 3: Review IntelliData Settings + Add Encryption Settings
Administration > Plugins > Local Plugins > IntelliData
Pathway: /admin/settings.php?section=local_intellidata
Enabled | Check Box; Leave enabled |
Tracking Storage | Drop Down; Note the additional details below. |
API Key | Unique Key; Masked; To be saved under "Encryption Key" in IntelliBoard |
API Identifier | Unique Key; Masked; To be saved under "Client Identifier in IntelliBoard |
Tracking Storage
This setting determines where IntelliBoard Time Tracking is stored and has three options: 1) File, 2) Cache, and 3) Database. Defaults to File, which is the only option for Open LMS users. Cache can be used for smaller LMS enviroments. File and Cache both use cron settings to store data to push to the user tracking tables. Database selection saves the information directly to the database and bypasses cron settings.
API Key and API Identifier:
Unmask keys, copy and paste keys into IntelliBoard Pro.
Copy Encryption Key from IntelliBoard (previous step) to Moodle in field API Key.I
Copy Client Identifier from IntelliBoard (previous step) to Moodle in field API Identifier.
Click Save.
Step 7: Complete First Time Migration: Click here for required next steps.
IntelliBoard Pro leverages a standard Moodle Plugin to create a table structure that then processes Moodle data on a regular schedule into IntelliBoard Pro's unified and dynamic tables. Before the LMS data can be processed automatically by the connection, they must go through an initial migration.
When should I complete the migration process?
Initial Connection: The migration must be complete after you make the initial connection and before your first processing.
Plugin Update: Restart the migration process each time you update the IntelliData plugin.
Filter Changes: When you change or add data through additional filters, restart the migration process.
How long does the Migration process take?
Initial migrations may take between 1 - 3 days depending on the size of your LMS database. LMS databases that have more than 200 GB of data may take up to 7 days with the default settings. The number of rows to be migrated and the cron schedule may be updated to speed up the migration process.
Step 1: Trigger Migrations from IntelliData Plugin
After initial plugin install and connection, you will trigger the migration:
Via Command Line directly on the Server or 2) Via Cron Tasks within the LMS
1: Via Command Line on the Server:
Please run the following commands. Note that this is a faster way to complete the task, but will have an impact on server load.
cd public_html/local/intellidata/cli
php migration_process.php
php export_process.php
2: Via Cron Tasks within the LMS
Site Admin > Plugins > Local Plugins > IntelliData > General
Pathway: admin/settings.php?section=local_intellidata
From General, please review, update and save:
1 | Migration Processing Limit | Default: 100,000 |
2 | Migration Processing Limit Write to Temp File | Default: 10,000 |
3 | Export file during migration | Default: Yes; keep this setting enabled |
4 | Reset Migration Process | Default: No; In this action, click to enable |
Required Actions:
Change Migration Processing Limits if desired.
Enable Export file during migration
Enable Reset Migration
Click Save.
Step 2: Enable Migrations from IntelliData Plugin
Site Admin > Plugins > Local Plugins > IntelliData > Migration
Pathway: /local/intellidata/migrations/index.phpPlease click "Enable Migration" in the top right corner.You can monitor the migration process from the Migrations page. After the migration task is enabled, it may take between 1 and 3 days to make your initial migration, depending on the size of your LMS database. For clients who have more than 200 GB of data, the migration may extend up to 7 days. Changing the migration limits and cron schedule may speed up or slow down the migration process.
Step 3: Review Migration Cron Task (Optional)
Site Admin > Severs > Tasks > Scheduled Tasks
Pathway: /admin/tool/task/scheduledtasks.php
Search: IntelliData
After enabling "Reset Migration Process" in the step above, the Migration Task will be enabled.
After disabling "Export file during migration" in the step above, the Export Task will be disabled.
Note: You may edit the cron schedule to your desired limits.
How can I monitor the process to ensure it's successful?
You can monitor the process from the following pages:
Site Admin > Plugins > Local Plugins > IntelliData > Migration
Pathway: /local/intellidata/migrations/index.php
Expected behavior is that the Status column reads "Completed" or "In Process". The goal is to have all tables read Completed.
Site Admin > Severs > Tasks > Scheduled Tasks
Pathway: /admin/tool/task/scheduledtasks.php
Search: IntelliData
Review: Migration Task
Click on the "Logs" view
Pathway: /admin/tasklogs.php?filter=local_intellidata%5Ctask%5Cmigration_task
Review the logs for any failed attempts.
If you feel the Migration task has stopped or you wish to speed up the Migration task, please contact
Do I need to change any settings or manually process the data after the migration completes?
No, this will happen automatically. The migration task will automatically become disabled and the export setting will re-enable. When the migration is complete, the data will begin processing every 24 hours.
Step 8: Only after Migration is Complete - Process Data
NOTE: This step has to be done only when the migration is finished.
Direct Link:
From Manage my IntelliBoard Account, click My Connections
Click the name of the URL or Edit, to open the connection.
Click on Process Data
IntelliBoard Pro Setup:
From your IB Pro admin account, select Integrations from the top menu.
Find the appropriate connection card and click “+Connect” in the bottom right hand corner of the card.
Fill out the form.
LMS Name: Friendly name for the connection for identification purposes
URL: Copy and Paste the URL of your LMS Note: Include HTTPS:// and do not include any additional pathways
Token: Follow the steps below to create a token
Category: IntelliBoard allows you to create categories for you connections. Use the drop down menu to view options if wanted.
Active: Set the connection to active
Dynamic Tables: Check the box for Dynamic Tables, also known as LMS Native Tables (eg. Syllabus, Discussion)
Processing Frequency: Select the frequency of how often you data is processed: Every 4, 6, 12, or 24 hours.
Encryption Key:
Client Identifier:
Creating a Token
Moodle Version 3.10+: Site Administration > Server > Web Services > Manage Tokens
Moodle 3.9: Site Administration > Plugins > Web Services > Manage Tokens
Add a new token
Add Username or User ID; Note: This must be a Site Administrator.
Select Service: IntelliData Service
Click Save
Copy and Paste Token into IntelliBoard
What are the recommended/best configurations for plugin when connecting IntelliBoard and migrating data?
We recommend to have Custom DB driver setting enabled during your initial migration and future remigrations.
New Tracking configuration should be enabled on the continuous basis in order to utilize our custom events tracking instead of Moodle Native Events tracking.
Both settings can be found and enabled under Site Administration > Plugins > Local Plugins > IntelliData > General > Advanced settings:
What is the difference between New Tracking and Custom DB Driver?
New Tracking: this is IntelliBoard’s custom feature that allows our plguin to track events in your LMS instead of using Moodle standard events Tracking. New Tracking allows us to not only track events in the LMS more accurately and faster than Moodle events tracking but it also allows us to track more events and support wider spectrum of the LMS database tables which can be brought into IntelliBoard as Native LMS tables in addition to our unified schema. We recommend having this setting enabled at all times for the best and accurate data records.
Custom DB Driver: IntelliBoard’s custom feature for mysql, mariadb and auroramysql databases that includes significant optimizations to the migration and remigration process that allows us to migrate clients faster and with lowest impact on the database servers. This setting can be enabled only when the initial migration or data remigration needs to be triggered, and remain enabled, however, should you have a need, you can deactivated it once migrations are completed.
Please note, that we are not recommending running data migrations with the Custom DB driver at the same time as you are running any other massive processes that are taking large amount of resources from your server. It is expected for the migrations to add load to your servers as your server will be triggering the cron tasks, process the request from the cron task and return data to IntelliBoard temporary migration files. It is expected to have additional load on server with migrations as with any other crons that are processed by your server. Please note that we have a list of the configurations that can reduce load on your server by migrating and exporting lower limits of data, if you need help with adjusting the limits, please reach out to
How do I track the migration process?
When migrating or remigrating your data you can always track it under Site Administration > Plugins > Local Plugins >IntelliData > Migrations: under this tab you will see all the database tables that we are migrating.
In Progress - the database tables that are currently migrating
Compelted - the database tables fully migrated
If you don’t see any status next to the database tables but see In Progress or Complete for other tables, it means that the rest of the tables are in the queue for the migration and to be migrated.
You don’t have to worry about 0/0 under Progress, we have deactivated database tables count as it requires additional cron task to run on your server. For large clients with millions of records it will create load on the server as your server would need to calculate the total records in the database tables and already migrated number of records from the tables, therefore we deactivated it by defalt. You can always enable calculation during migration under plugin settings.
How do I see if the migrations are completed succesfully?
You can track the completion by following the steps from above Migration Tracking FAQ.
You can also track the success of cron tasks for your migrations under Site Administration > Server > Tasks > Scheduled tasks > Migration task (\local_intellidata\task\migration_task). From here you would see the “Fail Delay” column that would he highlighted as red and number of errors, if there are errors.
You can then click on the logs page and see the list of earch trigger of the Migration cron task and if it was succesfull or not. Should you see unsuccesfull cron task, please click on gear button to download the error log and email
Do I have to update my plugins?
IntelliBoard recommends to update your plugins quaterly. The latest version of plugins are always released on GitHub GitHub - intelliboard/intellidata: IntelliBoard Moodle Plugin for IBNEXT
You will see the release notes every 3 weeks following our release schedule upon logging in to your IntelliBoard Pro account.
What plugin version do I need to have for the New Tracking and Custom Database driver configurations?
The New Tracking and Custom DB driver were first released in May 2024 with continuous upgrades till July 2024. If you are on older plguin version than May 2024, we would recommend updating to the latest version.
When do I need to remigrate my data?
If your plugin version was older than 8 months and you have just updated the plugin, we hightly recommend data remigration as we are adding new database tables to our unified tables as well as improvements to migrations and export. This will ensure that you are not missing out on any new data availability.
If you have changed your Connection Filter settings under your IntelliBoard Account > Manage my connections > my connection settings. Connection Fitlers are controling what data IntelliBoard will migrate and store on its server. If you are making changes to the filters, you are required to remigrate your data. You also will see the pop up message to trigger migration process.
If you just updated your plugin and enabled IntelliBoard’s New Tracking, we would recommend remigrating.
If you have submitted HelpDesk ticket and the fix was part of the new plugin release or Client Success has recommended data remigration for data loss/inconsistency (combined with enabling IntelliBoard’s New Tracking).
Totara Cloud and Version 17+
Validate the LMS Settings
Enable Web Services
Site Administration > Plugins > Web Services
Find Enable Web Service and click enable.
Click Save Changes
Enable REST Protocol
Site Administration > Plugins > Web Services > Manage Protocol
Find REST and enable (open eye)
Click Save Changes
Verify Authorized Users through External Services
Site Administration > Plugins > Web Services > Manage Protocol > External Services
Find IntelliData Service, it should show All Users.
If it does not say All Users, please edit to allow All Users or add the Authorized Users who have Site Admin privileges.
Step 3: Review IntelliData Settings + Add Encryption Settings
Administration > Plugins > Business Intelligence > IntelliData
Pathway: /admin/settings.php?section=bi_intellidata
Enabled | Check Box; Leave enabled |
Tracking Storage | Drop Down; Note the additional details below. |
API Key | Unique Key; Masked; To be saved under "Encryption Key" in IntelliBoard |
API Identifier | Unique Key; Masked; To be saved under "Client Identifier in IntelliBoard |
Tracking Storage
This setting determines where IntelliBoard Time Tracking is stored and has three options: 1) File, 2) Cache, and 3) Database. Defaults to File, which is the only option for Open LMS users. Cache can be used for smaller LMS environments. File and Cache both use cron settings to store data to push to the user tracking tables. Database selection saves the information directly to the database and bypasses cron settings.
API Key and API Identifier:
Unmask keys, copy and paste keys into IntelliBoard Pro.
Copy Encryption Key from IntelliBoard (previous step) to Moodle in field API Key.
Copy Client Identifier from IntelliBoard (previous step) to Moodle in field API Identifier.
Click Save.
Step 4: Click Continue
Upon clicking Continue, you'll see 4 green check marks on URL, Token, Encryption Key, and Client Identifier if the connection is successful and be directed to the LMS Filter Settings page. If unsuccessful, please review the steps above to adjust settings. For additional assistance, please contact
Step 5: Review Filter Settings
From within IntelliBoard, review the following Filter Settings, make selections, and save.
Note: These filters may be changed and edited, but a Migration must be run to pick up additional datasets. Please see here for additional details on Migration.
User Filters | Drop Down; Required; See details below for options. |
Course Filters > Course | Drop Down; Required; See details below for options. |
Course Filters > Category | Drop Down; Required; See details below for options. |
User Filters:
All Users - All Users in the System
Active Users - All unhidden/unsuspended users in the System
Course Filters > Course:
All Courses - All Courses in the System
Active Courses- All unhidden/inactive courses in the System
Course Filters > Categories:
All Categories - All Categories in the System, including newly added Categories
Partial Categories - Partial Categories; select certain categories within your system to bring into IntelliBoard
Step 6: Review Role Settings
From within IntelliBoard, review the following Role Settings, make selections, and save. Each section is populated with all roles inside your LMS.
Map your LMS roles to IntelliBoard Roles. This is important for role clarity within the Builder, IB Users, and the LTI.
When complete, please click save.
Roles may be edited to match needs and do not require an additional migration.
Instructor Roles | Drop Down; Required |
Learner Roles | Drop Down; Required |
Admin Roles | Drop Down |
Course Admin Roles | Drop Down |
Step 7: Complete First Time Migration:
IntelliBoard Pro leverages a standard plugin to create a table structure that then processes LMSdata on a regular schedule into IntelliBoard Pro's unified and dynamic tables. Before the LMS data can be processed automatically by the connection, they must go through an initial migration.
When should I complete the migration process?
Initial Connection: The migration must be complete after you make the initial connection and before your first processing.
Plugin Update: Restart the migration process each time you update the IntelliData plugin.
Filter Changes: When you change or add data through additional filters, restart the migration process.
How long does the Migration process take?
Initial migrations may take between 1 - 3 days depending on the size of your LMS database. LMS databases that have more than 200 GB of data may take up to 7 days with the default settings. The number of rows to be migrated and the cron schedule may be updated to speed up the migration process.
Step 1: Trigger Migrations from IntelliData Plugin
After initial plugin install and connection, you will trigger the migration:
Via Command Line directly on the Server or 2) Via Cron Tasks within the LMS
1: Via Command Line on the Server:
Please run the following commands. Note that this is a faster way to complete the task, but will have an impact on server load.
cd public_html/local/intellidata/cli
php migration_process.php
php export_process.php
2: Via Cron Tasks within the LMS
Site Admin > Plugins > Local Plugins > IntelliData > General
Pathway: admin/settings.php?section=local_intellidata
From General, please review, update and save:
1 | Migration Processing Limit | Default: 100,000 |
2 | Migration Processing Limit Write to Temp File | Default: 10,000 |
3 | Export file during migration | Default: Yes; keep this setting enabled |
4 | Reset Migration Process | Default: No; In this action, click to enable |
Required Actions:
Change Migration Processing Limits if desired.
Enable Export file during migration
Enable Reset Migration
Click Save.
Step 2: Enable Migrations from IntelliData Plugin
Site Admin > Plugins > Local Plugins > IntelliData > Migration
Pathway: /local/intellidata/migrations/index.phpPlease click "Enable Migration" in the top right corner.You can monitor the migration process from the Migrations page. After the migration task is enabled, it may take between 1 and 3 days to make your initial migration, depending on the size of your LMS database. For clients who have more than 200 GB of data, the migration may extend up to 7 days. Changing the migration limits and cron schedule may speed up or slow down the migration process.
Step 3: Review Migration Cron Task (Optional)
Site Admin > Severs > Tasks > Scheduled Tasks
Pathway: /admin/tool/task/scheduledtasks.php
Search: IntelliData
After enabling "Reset Migration Process" in the step above, the Migration Task will be enabled.
After disabling "Export file during migration" in the step above, the Export Task will be disabled.
Note: You may edit the cron schedule to your desired limits.
How can I monitor the process to ensure it's successful?
You can monitor the process from the following pages:
Site Admin > Plugins > Local Plugins > IntelliData > Migration
Pathway: /local/intellidata/migrations/index.php
Expected behavior is that the Status column reads "Completed" or "In Process". The goal is to have all tables read Completed.
Site Admin > Severs > Tasks > Scheduled Tasks
Pathway: /admin/tool/task/scheduledtasks.php
Search: IntelliData
Review: Migration Task
Click on the "Logs" view
Pathway: /admin/tasklogs.php?filter=local_intellidata%5Ctask%5Cmigration_task
Review the logs for any failed attempts.
If you feel the Migration task has stopped or you wish to speed up the Migration task, please contact
Do I need to change any settings or manually process the data after the migration completes?
No, this will happen automatically. The migration task will automatically become disabled and the export setting will re-enable. When the migration is complete, the data will begin processing every 24 hours.
Step 8: Only after Migration is Complete - Process Data
NOTE: This step has to be done only when the migration is finished.
Direct Link:
From Manage my IntelliBoard Account, click My Connections
Click the name of the URL or Edit, to open the connection.
Click on Process Data
IntelliBoard Pro Setup:
From your IB Pro admin account, select Integrations from the top menu.
Find the appropriate connection card and click “+Connect” in the bottom right hand corner of the card.
Fill out the form.
LMS Name: Friendly name for the connection for identification purposes
URL: Copy and Paste the URL of your LMS Note: Include HTTPS:// and do not include any additional pathways
Token: Follow the steps below to create a token
Category: IntelliBoard allows you to create categories for you connections. Use the drop down menu to view options if wanted.
Active: Set the connection to active
Dynamic Tables: Check the box for Dynamic Tables, also known as LMS Native Tables (eg. Syllabus, Discussion)
Select Hour to Process Daily: Select the time each day to process your data daily. We recommend choosing an 'off hour' to have the freshest data for the next day.
Encryption Key:
Client Identifier:
Creating a Token
From the Gear, click Development under Configuration:
Expand the API dropdown in the left menu and choose API Clients.
Add Client
Name the API Client, provide a description, and choose IntelliBoard API User as the Service Account. The IntelliBoard API User has been created to store all capabilities required for the integration.
Zoom Setup
Log into your Zoom account as an administrator. In the left menu, navigate to Advanced>App Marketplace:
On the top right, hover over Develop and click Build App
Find the Server-to-Server OAuth card and click Create.
Assign a name to the app, such as "IntelliBoard-Zoom"
You will be presented with credentials to allow the connection to IBPro:
Account ID, Client ID, and Client Secret are required for connection.
You will be able to return to this screen after completing the steps, so don't worry about copying the info over now. If you complete the IBPro connection steps before finishing the Zoom steps, an error will occur.
The Information page requires a developer name and email to continue. You can use "IntelliBoard" and "" for these fields. A description and other details may be assigned, but are not necessary.
The Feature page contains additional security tokens, but these are not required for connection. Click continue.
Several scopes will need to be enabled for processing and reports to work in IBPro. Click the +Add Scopes button:
Enable all options for the following scopes:
Zoom Events
Click Done
On the Activation page, click Activate
IntelliBoard Pro Setup:
From your IB Pro admin account, select Integrations from the top menu.
Find the Zoom card and click “+Connect” in the bottom right hand corner of the card.
Fill out the form.
Connection: Choose which LMS connection to associate the Zoom connection with. This creates a join between Zoom users and LMS users via the email address. This is required in order to associate Zoom data with LMS data. Zoom may be created as a "standalone" connection, which enables reporting in IBPro, but will not create associations with LMS data.
Zoom Account ID: Enter Zoom Account ID as seen in the app creation in Zoom.
Zoom API Key: Enter Zoom API Key as seen in the app creation in Zoom.
Zoom Secret Key: Enter Zoom Secret Key as seen in the app creation in Zoom
Zoom Processing Frequency: Select the frequency to process your data: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Every 90 Days
Zoom Processing Time: Select the time to process data.
Frequently Asked Questions:
LMS Role Filters are important in mapping your native LMS roles to IntelliBoard. At the simplest terms, you're telling IntelliBoard which roles in your LMS you consider to be 4 major types*:
Course Admin
*Note: Role types may vary from LMS to LMS; not all LMS systems have these role types.
Subconnectors are additional tools or systems that can bolster your primary LMS Data connection. Connections are made similarly as LMS integrations. Available subconnectors include: Ellucian, Mongoose Cadence, Qwickly, and Workday. To see more and to connect to these and other subconnectors, visit the integrations tab in your IntelliBoard Pro homepage.
In Canvas, "Time Spent" tracks the total time a student is logged into a course, "Visits" counts the number of times a student navigates to specific pages or resources, and "Participations" records active engagement activities like submissions and posts. Canvas counts quiz activities twice (when accessed and submitted), but the IntelliBoard platform, using the Canvas API, counts quiz participation only once. This difference is crucial for accurately interpreting student engagement, with IntelliBoard's participation data aligning with Canvas's "Access Report" counts. Understanding these metrics helps educators assess student involvement and identify areas needing support.
Database Server: Confirm that your database server is properly configured and running. This server is essential for storing and managing the data used by the plugin, allowing for seamless data access and retrieval.
New Tracking Feature: Ensure that the "New Tracking" feature is enabled within the plugin settings. This feature enhances tracking capabilities, enabling comprehensive data collection and reporting that support your operational insights.
Activating these settings will allow the plugin to perform optimally, providing accurate data tracking and reporting. If you need assistance with these configurations, please reach out to our support team.
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