Library and My Datasets Overview

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IntelliBoard Pro offers a comprehensive Library that includes a variety of dashboards, reports, and charts designed to help you visualize and analyze your data effectively. This includes both default items created by IntelliBoard and datasets that have been curated and approved by your Organization.
My Datasets section allows you to store and quickly access your most important and frequently used datasets, making data retrieval more efficient and convenient.

Link to Library here:

Link to My Datasets here:


Untitled design.png

Click on the arrow to display more information about each feature.

Tags: Identify relevant datasets quickly with tags that identify roles that would most benefit.

Filters: Use the filters to quickly narrow the reports. Easily filter to view your personal reports, IntelliBoard defaults, or adjust the order of displayed datasets.

  • Created By: Quickly narrow your datasets to show only those created by IntelliBoard or by your Organization


  • Dataset Type: Filter your datasets to show by type: All Options, Dashboards, Table, Pie Charts, Bar Charts, Line Charts, Scatter Charts, or InForm Entry Forms. You can set multiple types or just one type.


  • Display Order: Have your Datasets display in the order that best works for you: Favorite, Most Popular, Newest, Oldest, Name A-Z, or Name Z-A.

Visualizations: Quickly identify and access datasets with thumbnail images of the data. Each tile includes a brief description when you hover over it to provide a snapshot of the dataset's contents and purpose, facilitating quicker navigation and selection.

Search: Quickly find datasets related to search queries. When using the search function in “My Datasets,” related results from the Library are also displayed at the bottom of the page.

View: View the Library in Grid view, with thumbnail images, or in List View.


List View:

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