Create an InForm Table

Create an InForm Table

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The first step in using InForm. Learn how to create a new table in the database and make relations to existing LMS tables. You can create a table manually, or by importing from a file.

To create an InForm table manually:

  1. Navigate to InForm in your IntelliBoard Pro account. It is the 1st option in the “Apps” tab drop down menu.

  2. Click the “Add Table” button Screenshot 2024-03-18 095907.png in the top right corner.

  3. Fill out the form. (Details below)

  4. Click “Save” button to save table.

Direct link to “Add InForm Table” here.

Add InForm Table.mp4

Add InForm Table Form


Add InForm Table Form.png
  1. Table Title: Name the table you are creating.

  2. Entries Managing Mode: Choose who will be able to edit table data

    • Primary Account Holder and IB Users can edit table: Administrator and all IntelliBoard users will be able to edit any table record from their accounts.

    • IB Users Can Manage Their Entries: Only the administrator or the IntelliBoard user who added a table record will be able to edit from their account.

    • Nobody Can Manage an Entry: Nobody (administrator or any IntelliBoard user) will be able to edit any table record. This is useful for permanent logs that shouldn't be edited or deleted.

  3. Name Column: Only relevant to those writing their own SQL. Leave this field empty.

  4. Table Columns: Add columns by entering the column name and selecting the column types. Save after each column to add.

  5. Column Name: Name the column for easy identification

  6. Column Type: The type of date this column holds

    • Text: Uses text to provide data. For example, an Instrument Column would have instrument name typed in the text field.

    • Number: Display values as a number and can use decimals.

    • Date: Allows for the input of a date in Day/Month/Year format

    • Enum (enumerated): Will contain a drop-down list of options. After adding this column type, go to Setting Icon to add the options.

    • Media Link: A link to a file that will be displayed as media. For example, an avatar or logo.

    • Email: This field must contain correctly formatted email address.

    • URL: This field must contain a correctly formatted URL.

    • Location: This field is a pair of numbers indicating longitude and latitude. You may also click an aim icon to put your location.

    • IP: Must be a correctly formatted IP address. It must be in the form of A.B.C.D, where A, B, C, and D are numbers from 0-255, e.g.,

    • Integer: Displays value as number. Must be an integer and cannot contain decimals. Use this type to hold ID values used to link records to another table.

    • Boolean: True or False. This will become a checkbox on a form.

  7. Save: Save after each column addition. They will appear above in the “No Columns” section. You can edit, adjust settings such as adding Enum options, or delete columns there.

    Screenshot 2024-03-18 104812.png

  8. Table Relations: Add relations between your table and your LMS. You can’t connect previously created InForm table(s) between each other.

  9. Relation Connection Type: There are 2 types of relations that can be added. This connection matches data from this InForm Table to data in the LMS. Until you add data relations, the table is simply data and not integrated to connect with LMS data.

    • Belongs To: This option is used for a Many-to-One relationship between some columns from your table and some columns from any LMS table. Each entry in your table can only be attached to one record in the LMS table. This will also allow you to add records to the table one-by-one. This relation connection is recommended for most uses.

    • Many-to-Many: This option is used for a Many-to-Many relation between records from your table and records from any LMS or previously created InForm table. This will also allow you to add one record to the table assigned to multiple records in another table.

  10. Foreign Key: A column in the table whose value corresponds to the value of the primary key (unique identifier) in another table. So, it’s a column in your table you’ve created that will contain values matched with values from “Column” setting below. The column selected here must have one of the following types: text, number, int. Only applies to “Belongs To” relation types.

  11. Table: The Table you want to make a relation with.

  12. Column: A special unique identifier (primary key) where IntelliBoard will search matches with your foreign key. Only applies to “Belongs To” relation types. This is the column in the table you made a relation to in the previous step that matches the information in the “Foreign Key” column. Most relations are made using User ID or Course ID.

  13. Display Element: The column that will be displayed in a menu in InForm to pick the record associated with this InForm table entry.

  14. Add: Click the “Add” button to add a relation. You may add additional relations if applicable. You must add the relation before saving. It will populate under “Table Relations.”

  15. Save: Click the “Save” button to save your changes on this form. Click the “Cancel” button to abort the process. Your information will not be saved if you cancel.

  1. Navigate to InForm in your IntelliBoard Pro account. It is the 1st option in the “Apps” tab drop down menu.

  2. Click the “Import Form” button Screenshot 2024-03-18 165403.png in the top right corner.

  3. You will now see your Import History. Click the “Import Form” button Screenshot 2024-03-18 165403.png in the top right corner.

  4. Fill out form. (Details below.)

  5. Click “Next” button to save table. If it is an XLXS file, you will be asked which sheet you wish to import. Select your sheet and “Save”

  6. Select the data type for each column in your table. It automatically sets all columns to “Text.” Use the drop menu for each column to change. Available data types: Text, Number, Date, Enum, Media Link, Email, URL, Location, IP, Integer, Boolean.

  7. Assign relations. Find your newly created table in InForm (you can go back to the “Apps” tab and select InForm to quickly find your form history.)

  8. Click the three dots under the actions column next to your newly created table and select “Edit.”

  9. Scroll down to the table relations block and assign relations as needed. (Details below.)

Direct Link to “Import to InForm” here.

Import to InForm full video.mp4

Import to Inform Form

Import InForm Table (1).png
  1. InForm Table: Leave at “New Table” for a new table import. From here you could also import the data to some already existing table by selecting one from the list. In this case, the number of columns in the file and their names must be the same as in the initial table. For example, you have a table with 2 columns– Student ID, and Pet - and you want to import new records to this table. In this case, you should prepare a file that will also contain 2 columns with the same names.

  2. Table Title: Give your new table a title. If you are importing an existing table instead of a new table, this box will not appear.

  3. Import Type: Select between “File” and “SFTP.” If you choose SFTP, you’ll be asked to choose the SFTP connected and path to the file.

  4. File: Select the file you wish to upload.

  5. Next: If it is an XLXS file, you will be asked which sheet you wish to import. You can only upload one sheet at a time. Select your sheet and “Save.”

Table Relations Form

Table Relations Form.png
  1. Table Relations: Add relations between your table and your LMS. You can’t connect previously created InForm table(s) between each other.

  2. Relation Connection Type: There are 2 types of relations that can be added. This connection matches data from this InForm Table to data in the LMS. Until you add data relations, the table is simply data and not integrated to connect with LMS data.

    • Belongs To: This option is used for a Many-to-One relationship between some columns from your table and some columns from any LMS table. Each entry in your table can only be attached to one record in the LMS table. This will also allow you to add records to the table one-by-one. This relation connection is recommended for most uses.

    • Many-to-Many: This option is used for a Many-to-Many relation between records from your table and records from any LMS or previously created InForm table. This will also allow you to add one record to the table assigned to multiple records in another table.

  3. Foreign Key: A column in the table whose value corresponds to the value of the primary key (unique identifier) in another table. So, it’s a column in your table you’ve created that will contain values matched with values from “Column” setting below. The column selected here must have one of the following types: text, number, int. Only applies to “Belongs To” relation types.

  4. Table: The Table you want to make a relation with.

  5. Column: A special unique identifier (primary key) where IntelliBoard will search matches with your foreign key. Only applies to “Belongs To” relation types. This is the column in the table you made a relation to in the previous step that matches the information in the “Foreign Key” column. Most relations are made using User ID or Course ID.

  6. Display Element: The column that will be displayed in a menu in InForm to pick the record associated with this InForm table entry.

  7. Add: Click the “Add” button to add a relation. You may add additional relations if applicable. You must add the relation before saving. It will populate under “Table Relations.”

  8. Save: Click the “Save” button to save your changes on this form. Click the “Cancel” button to abort the process. Your information will not be saved if you cancel.

Related Videos:

Getting Started and Manual Upload

Edit Table and Create Relations

View Form and Create Report

SFTP and Schedule

Editing Forms and Using Imported Data

Working with Dashboards

Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. Be sure your file is either in CSV or XLXS format. If the document is in excel and on several sheets, each sheet will need to be imported one at a time.

  2. Add column names to your table.

  3. Add data for all the columns in your file. They can include these types of data: Text, Number, Data, Enum, Link, Email, URL, Location, IP, Integer, and Boolean.

  • Text: Uses text to provide data. For example, an Instrument Column would have instrument name typed in the text field.

  • Number: Display values as a number and can use decimals.

  • Date: Allows for the input of a date in Day/Month/Year format

  • Enum (enumerated): Will contain a drop-down list of options. After adding this column type, go to Setting Icon to add the options.

  • Media Link: A link to a file that will be displayed as media. For example, an avatar or logo.

  • Email: This field must contain correctly formatted email address.

  • URL: This field must contain a correctly formatted URL.

  • Location: This field is a pair of numbers indicating longitude and latitude. You may also click an aim icon to put your location.

  • IP: Must be a correctly formatted IP address. It must be in the form of A.B.C.D, where A, B, C, and D are numbers from 0-255, e.g.,

  • Integer: Displays value as number. Must be an integer and cannot contain decimals. Use this type to hold ID values used to link records to another table.

  • Boolean: True or False. This will become a checkbox on a form.

Relation Connection Type: There are 2 types of relations that can be added. This connection matches data from this InForm Table to data in the LMS. Until you add data relations, the table is simply data and not integrated to connect with LMS data.

  1. Belongs To: This option is used for a Many-to-One relationship between some columns from your table and some columns from any LMS table. Each entry in your table can only be attached to one record in the LMS table. This will also allow you to add records to the table one-by-one. This relation connection is recommended for most uses.

  2. Many-to-Many: This option is used for a Many-to-Many relation between records from your table and records from any LMS or previously created InForm table. This will also allow you to add one record to the table assigned to multiple records in another table.

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