Sales by Product

Sales by Product

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Description: The Sales by Product report displays sales for each item on your Product/Service list. Includes quantity, amount, balance, and payment type.


Columns in Report:

The first row shows a summary of net quantity, net sales and total sales.

The product's name (by clicking on the name you will be redirected to the Product Analytics page) as in the LMS

The product's category as in the LMS

The net quantity of sold products

The net sales of products sold (without discounts, taxes, etc.)

The amount paid for products sold (within discounts, taxes, etc.)

Report Filters:

Select the specific vendor to appear on the report (it will only show customers from this vendor) or select "Show All"

Time will filter by Paid on date (i.e. you can select a range of dates and only customers that purchased something in that time will be shown) or all customers will be shown if no dates are selected.


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