Installation and Set Up

Installation and Set Up

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Installation and Set Up of the IntelliCart Plugin

Before you get started... 

  • You MUST have an IntelliBoard account and successful IntelliBoard connection.

  • You have to be signed-in as a user with full admin rights during the connection process.

  • You should have a license API key and 5 plugins downloaded in ZIP format (provided by the Account Executive after your payment)
    Note for Mac Users: When files download, they are typically automatically unzipped.  Please compress the IntelliBoard file before uploading it.


  1. From your LMS system go to Site Administration > Plugins > Install plugins


  2. Add the downloaded "local_intellicart.zip" file.

    Click on "Install plugin from the ZIP file".



  3. Click on "Continue."



  4. Click on "Upgrade Moodle database now"



  5. Click on "Continue"



  6. Scroll down to New settings - General and make sure IntelliCart is enabled.



  7. Scroll down to New settings - License, add your email address and API key that Account Executive provided you.

    Click on "Save changes".



  8. When it's saved, come back to Site Administration > Plugins > Install plugins, click on "Choose File".

    Choose the downloaded "enrol_intellicart.zip" file.

    Click on "Upload this file".



  9. Click on "Install plugin from the ZIP file".



  10. Click on "Continue", and then click on "Save changes" in the bottom.



  11. When it's saved, come back to Site Administration > Plugins > Install plugins

    Add the downloaded "block_products_catalog.zip" file.

    Click on "Install plugin from the ZIP file".



  12. Click on "Continue".



  13. Click on "Upgrade Moodle database now".



  14. Click on "Continue".



  15. Scroll down and click on "Save changes".



  16. When it's saved, come back to Site Administration > Plugins > Install plugins

    Add the downloaded "user_profilefield_vendor.zip" file.

    Click on "Install plugin from the ZIP file".



  17. Click on "Continue".



  18. Click on "Upgrade Moodle database now".



  19. Click on "Continue".



  20. When it's saved, come back to Site Administration > Plugins > Install plugins

    Add the downloaded "block_intellicart_sessions.zip" file.

    Click on "Install plugin from the ZIP file".

    NOTE: This plugin is optional.  It provides IntelliCart Session details on the Course level pages.



  21. Click on "Continue".



  22. Click on "Upgrade Moodle database now".



  23. Click on "Continue".


After installing the plug in, it is time to set it up.

  1. Go to Site Administration > Plugins > Blocks > Manage Blocks.

    Make sure "Products Catalog" is enabled.



  2. Go to Site Administration > Plugins > Enrollments > Manage enrol plugins.

    Make sure "IntelliCart enrollments" is enabled.



  3. Go to Site Administration > Plugins > Local plugins > IntelliCart > License.

    Double check to see if your license saved.

    NOTE: Click on "Save changes" for being sure.



  4. Go to Site Administration > Appearance > Default Dashboard page.

    Click on "Blocks editing on" button in the top right corner.

    Click on "Add a block" in the nav menu and select "Products Catalog".



  5. On the appeared block click on the arrow and select "Configure Available Products block".



  6. From the "Default region" drop-down select "content" option.

    From the "Region" drop-down select "content" option.

    Click on "Save changes".



  7. Click on "Reset Dashboard for all users" button in the top right corner.

    Then click on "Blocks editing off" button.


Guest Checkout

The Guest Checkout allows customers to review products and form their cart without need to login. The sign up/in will be required only before payment (when guest clicks on Proceed to checkout button from the cart). After the sign up/in user will be linked to the Home page, so he would need to click on Proceed to checkout again. If you wish users to be navigated to the checkout page after login, you'll need to set up an IntelliCart Authentication in addition or enable “Redirect Guest to cart after sign in“ IntelliCart setting.

NOTE: As a Products Catalog usually added on the Dashboard (URL ends with "/my" after main LMS URL), the link with "/my" should be provided to guests. E.g., https://moodle.intelliboard.net/my

The IntelliCart plugin includes a dedicated frontpage.php file that enables you to display the Products Catalog on the LMS system's homepage as a main content for guests, whereas the default LMS file only allows placement on a sidebar. To make this file the primary one for the LMS, the client needs to configure the config file by adding the following line:
$CFG->customfrontpageinclude = __DIR__ . '/local/intellicart/catalog/frontpage.php';
Once this configuration is completed, the client will be able to display the Products Catalog as the main content on the LMS homepage for guests, similar to how content is presented on the Dashboard.

Before you get started...

  • You have to be signed-in as a user with full admin rights.

  • You should have an IntelliCart installed and set up.

  1. Go to Site administration > Users > Permissions > User policies

  2. Tick the box Auto-login guests so that visitors are automatically logged in as guests when accessing a course with guest access (i.e., they don't have to click the Login as guest button)

  3. Go to Site administration > Plugins > Authentication > Manage Authentication

  4. Set Guest login button to Show option

  5. Go to Site administration > Security > Site security settings

  6. Enable Open to Google setting so that the Google search robot will be allowed to enter your site as a Guest. In addition, people coming in to your site via a Google search will automatically be logged in as a Guest
    NOTE: This setting could be called Open to search engines in some LMSs.
    NOTE: If you enable this setting, you should also enable Display product schema setting later from IntelliCart Settings under Products Catalog block.


  1. Go to Site administration > Security > Site security settings

  2. Enable Force users to log in setting


  1. Go to IntelliCart > Settings > Features > Guests block

  2. Turn on the Enable guest checkout setting


  1. Go to Site administration > Users > Permissions > Define roles > Guest > Edit

  2. Scroll down to permissions, and allow next:

    • local/intellicart:checkout

    • local/intellicart:subscribe

    • local/intellicart:buyproducts

    • local/intellicart:buyseats


IntelliCart Authentication Set Up

The IntelliCart Authentication provides you an IntelliCart sign up/in form that could re-place the default Moodle one. This provides an ability to set up a registration form within required fields and limit a registration ability within codes. It also links users right to the Checkout page after sign up/in instead of the Home page (for Guest Checkout).

Before you get started... 

  • You have to be signed-in as a user with full admin rights.

  • You should have an IntelliCart installed and set up.

  • You should have an auth_intellicart.zip plugin installed.

  1. Go to Site administration > Plugins > Authentication > Manage authentication

  2. Under Available authentication plugins block enable IntelliCart authentication plugin

  3. Scroll down to Common settings block and select an IntelliCart authentication option under Self registration setting

  4. Save changes


  1. Go back to Site administration > Plugins > Authentication > Manage authentication

  2. Click on Settings for an IntelliCart authentication

  3. Set up the authentication plugin with required settings (read description below)

  4. Save changes


Authentication Overview

  1. Enable Auto Login User After Signup - Enable this box so that users will be automatically logged in after registration.

  2. Enable reCAPTCHA - Enable this box to add an additional verification for registration.

  3. Enable Confirmation Email - Enable this box so that the confirmation email will be sent to the user as in default Moodle email-based registration.
    NOTE: When Enable Auto Login User After Signup and Enable Confirmation Email are both on, the user will be logged in automatically after the signup and can complete the purchase. After the signup, a confirmation email will be sent to the user to complete the registration. All further attempts to log in will fail until the user confirms their account. When Enable Confirmation Email is off, the user isn’t supposed to confirm the account and can login without any limitations. When Enable Auto Login User After Signup is off, the user will be redirected to the login page after the signup.

  4. Registration: IntelliCart Coupon Required - Enable this box so that the required field for IntelliCart Coupon will be shown on the registration form. When enabled, only people who has a coupon will be able to sign up.
    NOTE: You could create a coupon as a regular one (click HERE to get known how to do this). The main thing required for registration is a coupon code and an active status, as IntelliCart just checks if the entered coupon code exists. So other coupon settings are not important for registration purpose and could be filled with any values.

  5. Enable Sign In form On Sign Up Page - Enable this box to add a sign in form to the registration page. This will be shown on another tab.
    NOTE: If this setting is not active, the Sign In tab won't be clickable.

  6. Sign Up Instructions - Add any instruction you want in the text field.

  7. Enable Title at Sign Form - Enable this box to add a title to the sign in and sign up forms.
    At the bottom of the page you can set up Allowed Signup Optional Fields - Add additional fields to the sign up form if required, and lock them lower if needed.

NOTE: This is required step for LMSs with Guest Checkout set up.

  1. Go to IntelliCart > Settings > Features > Guests block

  2. Turn on the Guest sign up after added to cart setting




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