Gift Cards Application

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Gift Cards allows you to buy and present special certificates that provide discounts for product purchasing.

To buy a gift card:

  1. From the Products Catalog go to Gift Cards tab 

  2. Find the gift card you want to buy and click on Details button

  3. Fill fields with the proper information (find descriptions of fields below)

  4. Click on Process Payment and pay for this gift card
    NOTE: Gift Card purchasing in allowed only via PayPal now.

  5. The person who was presented a gift card will get an email with special Code that he/she can use in product purchasing.


To apply a gift card:

  1. The person who was presented a gift card should add to cart the product he/she wants to buy and click on Proceed to checkout

  2. On the checkout page click on Add Coupon button, add the Code that was got in the email and click on Apply button

  3. Click on Proceed to checkout 

  4. Click on Process Payment






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