Products Overview for Moodle

Products Overview for Moodle

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IntelliCart Products combine the selected courses, sessions, programs, etc. into one unit of sale.

To create an IntelliCart Product:

  1. Choose IntelliCart and click on Products tab. 

  2. In the top right corner of the tab, click on Create Product.


  3. Write the Product


  1. Name - Name your product as you wish to make it more specific for your audience.
    NOTE: This field is required.

  2. Product Code - Add the product code if you want for better navigation.

  3. Category - Select the category which this product will be displayed in.
    NOTE: This field is required.

  4. Price - Add the price to this product in default currency.
    NOTE: This field is required.

  5. Taxable Price - Add the taxable price to this product, so if you are using taxes, the tax will be applied to this price instead of the main one.

  6. Payment Code - Add the payment code that will be sent to the Product Gateway.

  7. Payment Description - Add the payment description that will be sent to the Product Gateway.

Product Options

  1. Type - Select the product type (online/offline/application pre-training).

  2. Assign Pre-Approval Product - Assign an app fee product for the selected one (the product that has to be purchased first to get an ability to by this one).
    NOTE: This setting works when Application Pre-Approval setting is enabled.

  3. Status - Choose whether the product is visible or hidden.

  4. Display start time - Enable start time to select the date when the product will be available for purchase.

  5. Display end time - Enable end time to select the date when the product will no longer be available for purchase.

  6. Product Expiration - Enable products expiration to add the number of time period from the product purchasing date after which users will be auto unenrolled from the product and course(s) inside it.
    NOTE: This setting works when Products Expiration is enabled.

  7. Seats - Enable seats to add the number of users who can buy this product. If enabled, users will be available to purchase only 1 seat for themselves as a regular product.

  8. Enable buying seats - Enable this box to turn on the ability to allow users to buy product seats for other people. This will also enable 2 more settings below to limit the min and max number of seats that could be purchased by one user.

  9. Min number of seats to buy - Enable buying seats to add the min number of seats one person can buy.

  10. Max seats number per one user - Enable buying seats to add the max number of seats one person can buy.

  11. Sessions - Enable sessions for the product if you want. Read more about sessions in the article from "You may be interested..." block above.

  12. Session Attendance - Enabled session attendance for the product if you want. Read more about session attendance in the article from "You may be interested..." block above.

  13. Max Attendance Sessions for product per User - Add the number of sessions learner will be able to attend. This relates to the Session Attendance setting above.

  14. Shipping - Enable shipping for the purchase if you want.

  15. Taxes - Enable taxes for the payment if you want.

  16. Show Product items on Product Page - Select whether product courses are displayed on the product page or not.
    NOTE: Courses will be shown on the Courses tab under product details page.

  17. Trial Access - Enable trial access for your customers if you want.

Product Description

  1. Image - Add an image that will be displayed on the product's page.

  2. Video File - Add a video file that will be displayed on the product's page. Format accepted for video: ".mp4", ".mkv", ".mov", ".mpg", ".mpeg".
    NOTE: This will replace a product Image you may add above, and Video HTML you may add below.

  3. Video HTML - Add a link to the video placed on some other resource.

  4. Featured Image - Add the featured image if you want.
    NOTE: This image will be shown on the featured products block on the Products Catalog page if you mark the product as featured.

  5. Description - Add the product description to make it more specific for your audience.

  6. Short Description - Add the short version of product description if needed.

  7. Checkout Information - Add the checkout information if needed.
    NOTE: This information will appear only when the product is bought.

  8. Tags - Add tags to the product for better navigation.

  9. Terms & Conditions - Enable product terms and conditions and add text below to show a pop-up window for user after adding this product to the cart.

Product Subscription

  1. Billing type - Select the type of billing. Whether it is a subscription with recurring payment, regular payment or an installment, it's up to you!
    NOTE: Find how to add an installment option in the article from "You may be interested..." block above.
    NOTE: You may add several installment options (recurring period) to one product, so that customer will be able to select how much billing cycles and during what time range he would like to pay. E.g., you may add 2 options with "Month" (and 2 billing cycles) and "Week" (with 8 billing cycles) recurring periods, and user will select where he would like to pay for a product each month or every week.

  2. Recurring Period - Select the recurring period for the subscription or installment type.

  3. Billing Cycles - Add the number of times the billing can be repeated (for subscription), or the number of times for which the full amount will be paid (for installment).
    NOTE: If you put "0" to this field, billing will be repeated all the time.

  4. Installment Fee - Add the fixed amount or a percent for billing cycle (depending on the type selected below) that users have to pay in addition to billing cycle part.

  5. Installment Fee Type - Select the type of installment fee. Whether it will be a percentage or currency parts, it's up to you!

  6. Subscription expiration action - Select what to do with product enrollment when subscription or installment expired. Available actions:
    Unenroll from courses - Default value (and will be used if this feature disabled) - Unenroll user from courses
    Suspend enrollments - Suspend user enrollments
    Keep enrollments active - Do not change enrollments

  7. Subscription cancellation action - Select what to do with product enrollment when subscription or installment cancelled by user or admin (if available). Available actions are the same as for Subscription expiration action setting above.


Product Reviews

  1. Reviews - Select whether product reviews are displayed on the product page or not.

  2. Reviews Approval - Select whether admin can approve reviews and comments for them or not. Admins will get special tabs for reviews by their statuses.


Product Instructors

  1. Instructors - Assign instructors to the product as needed.

  2. Instructors Visibility - Enable instructors tab on the product pages you want them to see

Enrollment Options

  1. Enrollment Start - Select the option when the enrollment to the product course(s) will begin. Will it now, today, when course starts or on a specific date, it's up to you!
    Now - The user will be enrolled into the product and course(s) there right after successful checkout (if any payment method was chosen) or invoice approval.
    Today - The user will be enrolled into the product and course(s) there right after successful checkout (if any payment method was chosen) or invoice approval, but the course enrollment start time will be 12am (00:00:00).
    Course Start - If the checkout was successful (if any payment method was chosen) or invoice was approved, the user will be enrolled into the product and course(s) there when the course starts.
    Specific Date - The user will be added to the Scheduled Enrollments list after successful checkout (if any payment method was chosen) or invoice approval, and will be enrolled into the product and course(s) there when the selected date and time starts (could be set up below).
    NOTE: This setting only define when the enrollment starts. You should also select when users will be actually enrolled to the product course(s), this could be done under the Enroll On option below.

  2. Courses turn - Select how users will be enrolled into product courses. Whether they'll be enrolled into all courses at once (normal option), or one by one after completion, you choose!

  3. Enroll On - Select when users will be enrolled to the product course(s) after purchasing (right after the checkout or when the enrollment start date comes).

  4. Enroll Start Date - Choose the specific date when the enrollment will be started if you selected such option on the Enrollment Start step.

  5. Enrollment End - Select when users no longer can enroll to the product.

  6. Default enrollment duration - Default length of time that the enrollment is valid, starting with the moment the user is enrolled. If disabled, the enrollment duration will be unlimited by default.

  7. Unenroll inactive after - Select if you wish to unenroll users from product course(s), if they are inactive there during specific period of time.

  8. Notify before enrollment starts - Select whether users will receive notifications when enrollment begins or not.

  9. Notification threshold - Add the time how long before enrollment starts, and users should be notified.

  10. Enrollment Start message - Add the notification message users will receive before enrollment starts.

  11. Notify before enrollment expires - Select whether users will receive notifications when enrollment expires or not.

  12. Notification threshold - Add the time how long before enrollment expires should users be notified.

  13. Enrollment Expiration message - Add the notification message users will receive before enrollment expires.


NOTE: This block will appear only when Enable Certifications IntelliCart setting is enabled


  1. Product Completion - Select how much product courses should be completed to mark the full product as completed for certification.
    Not Use - courses shouldn't be completed in this product
    One course - at least the one course from assigned to the product has to be completed so that product will become as completed, too
    All courses - all course assigned to the product has to be completed so that product will become as completed, too
    Condition - add the minimum/maximum number of product courses that have to be completed so that product will become as completed, too

  2. Minimum number - Add the minimum number of product courses that have to be completed so that product will become as completed.
    NOTE: Select "Condition" product completion type from the drop-down above to enable this field.

  3. Maximum number - Add the maximum number of product courses that have to be completed so that product will become as completed.
    NOTE: Select "Condition" product completion type from the drop-down above to enable this field.

Product Features Overview

  1. Category filter - Filter your products by the categories they are in.

  2. Status filter - Filter your products by their status (active/inactive/featured).
    NOTE: Find how to make product featured below.

  3. Search - Search products by their names.

  4. Manage custom fields - Manage custom fields for your products if needed.

  5. Create course - Add new course if needed.

  6. Name - Product Name as entered.
    NOTE: If you click on the product name, you'll be redirected to this product in the product catalog.

  7. Product Code - Product Code as entered.

  8. Categories - Category Name(s) this product was assigned to.

  9. Courses - Total number of courses assigned to the product.

  10. Price - Product Price as entered.

  11. Purchased Times - Total number of times the product was purchased.

  12. Edit - Edit your product.

  13. Delete - Delete your product.

  14. Status - Choose whether the product is visible or hidden.

  15. Assign courses - Assign Courses to the selected product.

  16. Filter by Profile Fields - Assign profile fields to your product for filtering.
    I.e., if you assign Company profile field and add the company name into the Field Value box, only users who are in this company will be available to buy the product.
    NOTE: If you assign 2 or more profile fields, all users whose profile field values match at least with one parameter will see this product on the shopping dashboard.

  17. Filter by Cohorts - Assign cohorts to your product for filtering.
    I.e., if you assign Cohort A to the product, only users from this cohort will be available to buy the product.
    NOTE: If you assign 2 or more cohorts, all users are at least in one of these cohorts will see this product on the shopping dashboard.

  18. Assign Vendors - Assign Vendors to the selected product.
    I.e., if you assign Acme Corp vendor to the product, only users from this vendor will be available to buy the product.
    NOTE: If you assign 2 or more vendors, all users are at least in one of these vendors will see this product on the shopping dashboard.

  19. Enrollments - Assign users to courses in the product .
    I.e., if you assign User A to the product, this user will be enrolled into the product and courses in it and won't need to buy that by himself.
    NOTE: This will enroll only to product courses, not MWP programs/certifications. So if you use Moodle Workplace and want to assign programs/certifications to the product, you should enable the synchronization between product courses with MWP program/certification courses (point 7 on a settings page).

  20. Sessions - Create sessions for your product that users will be able to buy separately.

  21. Assign Groups - Assign groups to your product for enrolling. Search box for group selection will display only groups from courses you assigned to a product before. If you didn't assign any course to a product, you won't see any group here.
    I.e., if you assign Group A to the product, users will be automatically enrolled into this when they buy a product.
    NOTE: If you assign 2 or more groups, customers will be enrolled into all selected groups.

  22. Move Up - Move product up in the list.

  23. Move Down - Move product down in the list.

  24. Mark as featured product - Enable check mark to add product to the featured products block in the top of the Products Catalog.

  25. Assign Roles - Assign user system roles to the selected product.
    I.e., if you assign Manager role to the product, only users with this role assigned on a system level will be available to see and buy the product.
    NOTE: If you assign 2 or more roles, all users who have at least one of these roles will see this product on the shopping dashboard.

  26. Assign programs - Assign Programs to the selected product.
    NOTE: This is available only for Moodle Workplace users who enabled an MWP Integration (point 1 on a settings page).

  27. Assign certifications - Assign Certifications to the selected product.
    NOTE: This is available only for Moodle Workplace users who enabled an MWP Integration (point 1 on a settings page).

  28. Allocate Users - Review users who actually bought the product and was enrolled into the program/certification in it.
    NOTE: This is available only for Moodle Workplace users who enabled an MWP Integration (point 1 on a settings page).

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