Coupons Overview for Moodle

Coupons Overview for Moodle

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IntelliCart Coupons allow you to create discounts for your customers that can be manually applied.

To create IntelliCart Coupon:

  1. Choose IntelliCart and click on Coupons tab. 

  2. In the top right corner of the tab, click on Create New.



  3. Write the Coupon



  1. Code - Add the code for your coupon that will be used by customers.

  2. Start Time - Enable start time to select the date when the coupon will be available for use.

  3. End Time - Enable end time to select the date when the coupon will no longer be available for use.

  4. Number of times can be used - Add the total number of times this coupon can be used in purchasing.
    NOTE: If you won't add this parameter, the coupon can be used an infinite number of times.

  5. Can be used times per user - Add the number of times how much this coupon can be applied by one user.
    NOTE: If you don't add this parameter, the coupon can be used an infinite number of times.

  6. Coupon type - Select the type of coupon. Whether it will be a percentage or currency discount, it's up to you!

  7. Discount value - Add the amount of discount.
    NOTE: This field is required.

  8. Status - Choose whether the coupon is visible or hidden.

  9. Save - Save your changes.

You can import coupons from the CSV file.

  1. Choose IntelliCart and click on Coupons tab. 

  2. In the top right corner of the tab, click on Import.

  3. Choose a file from your computer in the CSV format (you could download the sample from that page).

  4. Click on Preview button.

  5. When all files are uploaded, click on Import Coupons button.

  6. Click on Continue.

Example: Here first line are column names, second line is an example. starttime, endtime, vendor1, product1 fields are not required, they could be added manually later.

















2020-06-19 17:00

2020-06-19 18:00




code: Add the code for your coupon that will be used by customers.

discount: Add the amount of discount.

type: Add the type of coupon. Whether it will be a percentage or currency discount, it's up to your! 

active: Put 1 (for active status) or 0 (for inactive status) for the coupon.

usedcount: Add the total number of times this coupon can be used in purchasing.

usedperuser: Add the number of times how much this coupon can be applied by one user.

starttime: Add start date and time when the coupon could be applied.

endtime: Add end date and time when the coupon could be applied.

vendor1: Add IntelliCart default ID number, if you want to allow this coupon to be applied only by users from specific vendor.

NOTE: You could add more vendors by adding additional fields (like vendor2, vendor3, etc.) and values to them.


product1: Add product code to assign this coupon to the required products. Product MUST have a Product Code for this.

NOTE: You could add more products by adding additional fields (like product2, product3, etc.) and values to them.

NOTE: If you didn't add product codes to the file, then go to the Assigning Products below

To Assign Products:

  1. After coupon creation you have to assign products to this so it can be successfully used.

  2. From the Coupons tab click on 3 blocks near the coupon name

  3. Select Products from the drop-down (you can also select all products by clicking the check box under this drop-down)

  4. Save settings (selected products will appear below in the table)
    I.e., if you assign Spanish Ebook product to the coupon, users will be able to use the coupon only to purchase this product.


Coupon Features Overview


  1. Status filter - Filter your coupons by their status (active/inactive).

  2. Search - Search coupons by their names.

  3. Code - Coupon Code as entered.

  4. Start Time - Coupon's start time as entered.

  5. End Time - Coupon's end time as entered.

  6. Discount - The amount of discount as entered.

  7. Used - The number of times coupon was already used.

  8. Created - The date when the coupon was created.

  9. Edit - Edit your coupon.

  10. Delete - Delete your coupon.

  11. Status - Choose whether the coupon is visible or hidden.

  12. Assign Products - Assign Products to the selected coupon.

  13. Assign Vendors - Assign Vendors to the selected coupon.
    I.e., if you assign Acme Corp vendor to the coupon, only users from this vendor will be available to use the assigned coupon.
    NOTE: If you assign 2 or more vendors, all users are at least in one of these vendors will be able to use the coupon.

Frequently Asked Questions:


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