Taxes Settings


Taxes Settings can be found under the IntelliCart “Settings” tab or under Site Administration, click Plugins, Local Plugin, and IntelliCart. Scroll past “General Settings” to “Taxes.”

intellicart settings.mp4

Enable this box to turn taxes on for your customers. Making this active will allow you to enable/disable taxes for products under Product Options.


Add the global amount of tax (in percents) that will be applied for products that have taxes enabled.

Rename taxes if needed.

Enable Advanced Taxes to activate the setting that allows you to add different tax values for different users depending on their User Profile Field(s). I.e., you want to add different taxes for states. Enable this box to get Taxes under the Sales tab on the main admin's dashboard.

Enable this box to turn the global tax on (from the Tax Value box above) for your customers who's Advanced Tax doesn't match with any of the Profile Field values.
I.e., if the user is from the "FL" state and from the "Microsoft" company (so they don't match with any of the entered states and companies from the example above), he will have to pay a 10% tax as entered in the Tax Value.

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