Certifications Application

Certifications Application

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IntelliCart Certifications allows you to issue a certification(s) for product completion.

To review possible certification:

NOTE: This way you'll find certifications you haven't received yet. All issued certifications will be shown on the Products Catalog under Certifications tab. Contact with your site administrator if you don't have this tab.

  1. From the Products Catalog find a product you want to purchase

  2. If the product have a certification, it will be shown under Product Details

  3. Hover over the certification name and click on Details button


Certification Details Page Overview

  1. Certification Name - Certification name as entered in LMS system.

  2. Additional Information - Certification additional information entered in LMS system such as:

    1. Start - The date and time when the certification can start to be issued.

    2. End - The date and time when the certification will no longer be available for issuing.

    3. Expiration - The date and time or term when the certification will become expired in general.

    4. Credits - Certification credits you'll get within this certification.

    5. Terms of receipt - The condition that has to be faced for issuing a certification.

  3. Assigned - The date and time when the user issued a certification within the expiration status.

  4. Assigned Products - Products assigned to the certification required for issuing (depending on terms above). Click on Details button to quickly navigate to the Product Details page for purchasing.

  5. Description - Certification description as entered in LMS system.

  6. Products Completion - The list of products and courses there required for issuing a certification (terms for product completion are written near the product name), within their completion status, if the product/course is completed. Click on Product Name to quickly navigate to the Product Details page for purchasing. Click on Course Name to quickly navigate to the course.

  7. Certificates - Awarded certificates where they could be reviewed and/or downloaded again.
    NOTE: This tab will appear only after certification issuing.




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