Sessions Overview for Moodle

Sessions Overview for Moodle

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Sessions can be created to schedule live meetings, webinars, etc. Sessions can be created out of courses and inside them. Find instructions for creating sessions and setting them up below.

To create a session:

  1. Choose IntelliCart and click on Products tab. 

  2. For the needed product click on Sessions action.


  3. Write the session


  1. Name - Name your session as you wish to make it more specific for your audience.
    NOTE: If you won't add a name, session will automatically get a product's name.

  2. Start Time - Select date and time when the session will be started.
    NOTE: This field is required.

  3. End Time - Select date and time when the session will be ended.
    NOTE: This field is required.

  4. Repeat session - Choose whether this session is repeated or not.

  5. Repeat until - Select date and time until which the session will be repeated.

  6. Repeat session - Choose the day (or several days) of the week when the session is repeated.
    NOTE: The session will be repeated in selected days at the start time. System will automatically create a session record for every repeat time.

  7. Session Link - Add a link to the session that will appear under the Start Session button after purchasing (the full root to the this button in Product Catalog > My Products > [Product] Details > Sessions > [Session Name] > Start Session).
    NOTE: If you're using Jitsy integration, this field must be empty. When user enter the session, they will be automatically navigated to the LMS page with Jitsy meeting room.

  8. Sequence - Add the sequence number for this session if you have several sessions started at the same time. This will define the place of the session in the sessions list.
    NOTE: This works only for Session Attendance functionality.

  9. Seats - Add the number of people who can attend the session. To add this setting for sessions you need to Enable Seats, Enable buying seats and Enable sessions on the product editing page.
    NOTE: If you add "0", the number of participants will be unlimited.

  10. Description - Add the session description to make it more specific for your audience.

  11. Checkout Information - Add the checkout information if needed.
    NOTE: This information will appear only when the product is bought.

  12. Additional Fields - Fill session custom fields.

  13. Session Instructors - Assign instructors to the product in needed.

Session Features Overview


  1. Session Day filter - Filter your sessions by the day they are held.

  2. Search - Search sessions by their names.

  3. Manage custom fields - Add additional fields for your sessions if needed.

  4. Name - Session Name as entered.

  5. Start Time - Session's start time as entered.

  6. End Time - Session's end time as entered.

  7. Seats - The number of seats as entered.

  8. Edit - Edit your session.

  9. Status - Choose whether the session is visible or hidden.

  10. Delete - Delete your session.

  11. Assign Groups - Assign groups to your product for enrolling. Search box for group selection will display only groups from courses you assigned to a product before. If you didn't assign any course to a product, you won't see any group here.
    I.e., if you assign Group A to the product, users will be automatically enrolled into this when they buy a product.
    NOTE: If you assign 2 or more groups, customers will be enrolled into all selected groups.

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