Products Overview for Learners

Products Overview for Learners

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IntelliCart Products allows you to purchase courses, sessions, programs, books, etc.

To buy a product:

  1. From the Products Catalog find a product you want to purchase

  2. Click on Add to Cart button

  3. From the cart click on Proceed to checkout button
    NOTE: You could change the currency you want to pay in using a drop-down in the top right corner of the cart. This is available only if multi-currency is enabled in your LMS system.



  4. Form your cart:

    • 1. Remove products if you don't need them any more

    • 2. Discounts you have will be applied automatically

    • 3. Add coupons if you have them

    • 4. Add notes to the order, if needed

    • 5. Click on Proceed to checkout button when you're ready to pay


  5. Select any of the available payment methods and click on Process Payment button


  1. Product Name - Product name as entered in LMS system.

  2. Rating - Product rating based on users' reviews. Read how to add them below.

  3. Price - Product price as entered in LMS system.
    NOTE: If you have any discounts, the price will be re-calculated. Discount(s) applied will be shown lower.

  4. Additional Information - Any additional field information product has entered in LMS system.

  5. Add to Cart - Click on this button to add the product to the cart.

  6. Add to Wishlist - Add product to own wish list.

  7. Description - Product description as entered in LMS system.

  8. Checkout Information - Product checkout information as entered in LMS system.
    NOTE: This tab will appear only after product purchasing.

  9. Instructors - User(s) who was assigned as instructors to the product.

  10. Courses - Course(s) assigned to the product where you'll be enrolled in after purchasing.
    NOTE: This tab is an optional and will appear only if product creator enables that.

  11. Reviews - Rate the product, add reviews, and comment reviews left by other users.

All purchased IntelliCart products and courses assigned to them will be shown on the Products Catalog under My Products and My Courses tabs; you can choose a list or grid view next to the search bar. Please, find an overview below.

NOTE: If you don't have these tabs, please, contact with your LMS administration to enable that for you.

  1. Product Search - Search for products that you have already purchased.
    NOTE: This search box works with OR rule, and it searches matches in both product name and description. E.g., if you search "Personal Coaching Review", all the products that contain "personal" OR "coaching" OR "review" words in their names or descriptions will be shown.
    NOTE: This differs from the Course Search below.

  2. Product Details - Click on the button to review product information.

  3. Course Categories Filter - Filter purchased courses by their Moodle category.

  4. Course Search - Search for courses that you have already purchased (course full name, short name or summary).
    NOTE: This search box works with AND rule, and it searches matches in both course name and description. E.g., if you search "Personal Coaching Review", the courses that contain all 3 words ("personal" AND "coaching" AND "review") in their names or descriptions will be shown.
    NOTE: This differs from the Product Search above.

  5. Course Navigation - Click on the button to quickly navigate to the course.

Products with Application Pre-approval: Purchasing and Application

IntelliCart Products with Application Pre-approval force you to purchase a pre-approval product to get an ability to buy the main one. You don't need to find a pre-approval product before. When you try to buy a product that has to be approved first, you'll be immediately redirected to the app pre-approval purchasing page for the selected product. After the product is approved, you'll be able to buy the main product without limitations. Please, find the full guide below. NOTE: You won't need to purchase an app pre-approval again if you want to buy the product more times.

  1. From the Products Catalog find a product you want to purchase.

  2. Click on Add to Cart button.

  3. You'll be automatically navigated to the Application Pre-approval purchasing page for this product.
    NOTE: On an example below product B is a product you try to buy (left picture), and product A is an app pre-approval (right picture).

  4. Select any of the available payment methods and click on Process Payment button.

  5. When payment is complete, you'll get a message with an ask to wait until your request is approved.



  1. When the request is approved, you will get an email (if it's allowed by your LMS admins). 

  2. Approved products will be shown on Products Catalog under App pre-approval tab (if this is enabled in your LMS system), or in the full catalog, as usual, under Categories tab.

  3. Purchase a product as usual.


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