Certificates Overview

Certificates Overview

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IntelliCart Certificates allow users to get award certificates when they issue a certification.

To create and IntelliCart Certificate:

  1. Choose IntelliCart and click on Certifications tab. 

  2. In the top right corner of the tab, click on Certificates button.

  3. From Certificates click on Create New button in the top right corner


  4. Write the certificate


  1. Name - Name your certificate as you wish.
    NOTE: This field is required.

  2. Date type - Select the date type which will be shown as an issued date on the certificate.

    • Specific Date - choose the specific date on the calendar below so this date will be shown on this certificate for all users.
      I.e., you have selected the July 24, 2020 for this option. In this case user will have this date on the certificate regardless of the actual date when he issued this.

    • Date Assigned - the actual date when user issued a certificate.
      I.e., you have selected this option, and user issued a certificate on July 24, 2020. In this case user will have the July 24, 2020 as an issuing date on his certificate.

  3. Date - Select the specific date that will be shown as an issued date on the certificate.
    NOTE: Select "Specific Date" date type from the drop-down above to enable this field.

  4. Start Time - Enable start time to select the date when the certificate can start to be issued.

  5. End time - Enable end time to select the date when the certificate will no longer be available for issuing.

  6. Template - Select the one of previously created templates for the certificate so that users will be awarded with it.

  7. Description - Add the certificate description.
    NOTE: This is for your internal use and won't be shown anywhere.

  8. Image - Add an image to the certificate.
    NOTE: This is for your internal use and won't be shown anywhere.

  9. Status - Choose whether the certificate is visible or hidden.

  10. Save - Save your changes.

Certificate Features Overview

  1. Status filter - Filter your certificates by their status (active/inactive).

  2. Vendor filter - Filter your certificates by the vendor they assigned to.

  3. Search - Search certificates by their names.

  4. Templates - Manage templates for your certificates. Read more about Templates HERE.
    NOTE: Find how to assign template to certificate above.

  5. Name - Certificate name as entered.

  6. Start Time - Certificate start time (when the certificate can start to be issued) as entered.

  7. End Time - Certificate end time (when the certificate will no longer be available for issuing) as entered.

  8. Applied - The number of times the certificate was issued by users.

  9. Created - The date when certificate was created.

  10. Edit - Edit your certificate.

  11. Preview - Review how the certificate will look like for users.

  12. Delete - Delete your certificate.

  13. Status - Choose whether the certificate is visible or hidden.

  14. Assign Vendors - Assign Vendors to the selected certificate. Read more about Vendors HERE.
    I.e., if you assign Acme Corp vendor to the certificate, only users from this vendor will be available to issue this certificate.
    NOTE: If you assign 2 or more vendors, all users are at least in one of these vendors will be available to issue this certificate.

  15. Issued Certificates - Review users who awarded a certificate and assign this manually to users. Read an overview below.

  16. Multiple Actions - Select several certificates and do the same action for them.

Issued Certificates Features Overview

When you assign some users to the certificate or users award them by themselves, you'll see all these users in the next view.

  1. Status filter - Filter awarded certificates by their status (active/inactive).

  2. Search - Search users by their names or emails.

  3. User - User's first and last name as entered in LMS system.

  4. Email - User's email as entered in LMS system.

  5. Assigned - The date when certificate was assigned to the user.

  6. Code - Certificate code for the selected user.

  7. Preview - Review the certificate for the specific user.

  8. Download - Download the user's certificate if needed.

  9. Mail - Send the email to the user with his certificate again if needed.

  10. Re-generate - Re-generate the code for the user's certificate.

  11. Delete - Delete user's certificate assignation.

  12. Multiple Actions - Select several user's certificate assignations and do the same action for them.

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