Dashboard: Certification

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Description: The Certification Dashboard combines the Certification Participants bar chart with the Certification Participant Status tabular report. Clicking the bars on the chart selects rows in the report. The dashboard can be filtered by certification completion and expiry dates. This Dashboards works with Moodle Work Place connections.

Roles that may benefit from this report:
Manager: Can use the Certification Dashboard to see the number of participants in each program and their status, including start, due, and end dates as well as completion status.


Certification Participants Chart

This chart shows the number of participants who have completed each certification. It can be filtered by certification completion date and expiry date.

Horizontal Axis: Number of Completed Certifications

Vertical Axis: Certification Name

Sort By: Certification Name or Completed Certifications


Filter chart to show results by Certification Date

Filter chart to show results by Expiration Date

Certification Participant Status (MWP)

Columns in Report:
Column Data Descriptions can also be found in the Data Dictionary in the help bar of IntelliBoard

Name of the Certification

Name of the Program

Report Filters: