Session Attendance Overview

Session Attendance Overview

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Session Attendance is an addition to sessions that allows you, as an admin/manager, assign sessions to specific course and set up the number of sessions inside the course user will be able to attend.

NOTE: Sessions could be created for different courses inside one product, but user will be able to enroll into session(s) ONLY from the 1 course. E.g., you have 5 sessions for Course A and 5 sessions for Course B under the one product, user will be able to attend sessions only from the Course A or only from the course B.

To add an IntelliCart sessions block to a course:

  1. Navigate to the needed course

  2. Click on the Gear button and select Turn editing on

  3. Click Add a block and select IntelliCart Sessions that will automatically be added to the right-hand side menu (you can move that as any other block if needed)



To create sessions for attendance:

  1. Create a product as usual and enable Sessions Attendance.

  2. Add Max Attendance Sessions for product per User on the same page.

  3. Create a session as usual.

  4. On the same page under the Assigned course setting select required course.
    NOTE: If only one course was assigned to the product, sessions will automatically be assigned to that course and drop-down for course selection won't appear.

  5. Sessions will appear in the IntelliCart Sessions block after product purchasing.






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