Google Analytics Settings

Google Analytics Settings

Google Analytics Settings can be found under the IntelliCart “Settings” tab or under Site Administration, click Plugins, Local Plugin, and IntelliCart. Scroll past “General Settings” to “Google Analytics.”

intellicart settings.mp4

Google Analytics integration gives you an opportunity to track users' interactions within IntelliCart through Google Analytics reporting. When an integration is enabled and an app key is set, IntelliCart will track events listed lower, and display them in the Real-time reporting to today’s events, and in General reporting starting from the next day. You should also remember that Google Analytics has a delay in events tracking, therefore, events may appear in the analytics within delay in some seconds.

Enable this box to turn on an integration between IntelliCart and Google Analytics.

To find this key, you will need to navigate to your Google Analytics account, then create new account for your Moodle site, copy Data Flow ID (usually starts with G-…), and paste that to this setting.


Events list IntelliCart tracks

NOTE: Cases when order gets payment type; type could be checked on Sales > Invoices.

  • Event is sent after user completes payment via payment gateway (by clicking ‘pay’ button) and is directed back to Products Catalog.

  • Event is sent after user completes payment via invoice and is directed back to Products Catalog.

    • by clicking ‘process payment’ button (if ‘Enable Confirmation Popup” IC setting is OFF)

    • OR by clicking ‘process’ button (if ‘Enable Confirmation Popup” IC setting is ON)

  • Event is sent after user enrolls into any free product (if instant enrollment is set) and from product details page in Products Catalog

  • Event is sent after user fills shipping information and clicks “Save and proceed to payment”.

  • Event is sent after user clicks “Add to Cart” button for any product cell and from product details page in Products Catalog.

  • Event is sent after user clicks “Add to Cart” button for any product session from Products Catalog.

  • Event is sent after user clicks cart icon from “Buy Seats” button for any product cell and from product details page in Products Catalog.

  • Event is sent after user clicks “Subscribe” button for any product cell and from product details page in Products Catalog.

  • Event is sent after user clicks “Buy in Installments” button for any product cell and from product details page in Products Catalog.


Event is sent after user clicks “Add to Wishlist” button for any product from product details page in Products Catalog.


Event is sent after user clicks “Proceed to checkout” button under the cart icon from any page (usually Products Catalog).


NOTE: Cases when order gets “completed” status; status could be checked on Sales > All Sales.

  • Event is sent after user completes payment via payment gateway (by clicking “pay” button) and is directed back to Products Catalog.
    NOTE: If user pays within Payment Method that has a delay in giving back a “completed” status (like, Braintree), event must be sent only after receiving that status.

  • Event is sent after user enrolls into any free product (if instant enrollment is set) and from product details page in Products Catalog.

  • Event is sent after user with appropriate permissions (like admin or manager) approves an invoice from Sales > Invoices.


NOTE: Сases when order gets “refunded” or “refunded partial” statuses; status could be checked on Sales > All Sales.

  • Event is sent when user clicks a “Refund” button for any order from Sales > All Sales > “Refund” action for any order, and this order get any from “refunded” or “refunded partial” status.

  • Event is sent when user clicks on “X” icon for the product from the cart pop-up.

  • Event is sent when user clicks on “Remove” button for the product from the cart page (when user navigates to proceed to checkout).

  • Event is sent when user performs searching using products’ search box (happens automatically when “Search products after button click” setting if OFF).

  • Event is sent when user performs searching using instructors’ search box (happens automatically when “Search products after button click” setting if OFF).

  • Event is sent when user performs searching using products’ search box after clicking a loop icon in the board or “Enter” keyboard button (happens when “Search products after button click” setting if ON).

  • Event is sent when user performs searching using instructors’ search box after clicking a ‘loop’ icon in the board or “Enter” keyboard button (happens when “Search products after button click” setting if ON).

  • Event is sent when user clicks on “Details” for any product from the Catalog.

  • Event is sent after user clicks “Add to Cart” button for any featured product from the Featured Products block.

  • Event is sent after user clicks “Buy Sessions” button for any featured product from the Featured Products block.

  • Event is sent after user clicks cart icon from “Buy Seats” button for any featured product from the Featured Products block.

  • Event is sent after user clicks “Subscribe” button for any featured product from the Featured Products block.

  • Event is sent after user clicks “Add to Cart” button for any featured product with installment payments from the Featured Products block.

  • Event is sent when user clicks on the cart icon to see a pop-up within a cart.

  • Event is sent when user clicks on “Proceed to checkout” button from the cart pop-up.

  • Event is sent when user clicks on “View More” button for the category (available for Category View value in Catalog Type setting under Product Catalog Settings).



These will be tracked only if you use IntelliCart Authentication as a main sign in/up method.

  • Event is sent when user clicks on “Register” button from the account creation form.


Event is sent when user clicks on “Sign In” button from the login form on sign-up page.


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