Product Catalog Settings

Product Catalog Settings

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IntelliCart Integration settings can be found under Site Administration, click Plugins, Blocks, and Products Catalog.


Choose the number of products that should be displayed in each page.

Choose the number of featured products that should be displayed in each page.

Enable this box to display the My Courses tab in the Products Catalog where users will be able to review courses from products they have already purchased.

Enable this box to display the My Products tab in the Products Catalog where users will be able to review products they have already purchased.

Enable this box to display the Categories tab in the Products Catalog to allow the users to filter the products by category (one or more or all can be selected).

Enable this box to display the Catalog tab in the Products Catalog to allow the users to see the catalog of products.

Enable this box to display the Teaching Products tab in the Products Catalog where teachers can see the products they are assigned to.

Enable this box to display the Calendar tab in the Products Catalog so that teachers can check dates and times of the sessions they are assigned to.

Enable this box to display the Gift Cards tab in the Products Catalog where users will be able to review the gift cards they have already purchased.

Enable this box to display the Certifications tab in the Products Catalog where users will be able to review the certifications they have already purchased.

Enable this box to display the My Sessions tab in the Products Catalog so that students can check dates and times of the sessions they have purchased.

Enable this box to display the App pre-approval tab in the Products Catalog so that students will be able to review and purchase products of Application pre-approval request that have been already approved (so they won't need to find approved product in the full catalog).

NOTE: This works for Application Pre-approval functionality.

This setting allows you to sort the order of the tabs in the Product Catalog, just drag and drop them in the preferred order.


Enable this box to display the Price Filter in the Products Catalog to allow users to select a price range for the products.

Enable this box to display the Session Filter in the Products Catalog to allow users to select a date range for the session.

Enable this box to display the Instructor Filter in the Products Catalog to allow users to search the products by instructor.

Enable this box to display the Searchb in the Products Catalog to allow users to search for specific products (product name or description).

Choose Products View if you want all products to be displayed in the Products Catalog or Categories View if you want the categories to be displayed instead of the products.

Choose Pages if you want the button See More to be displayed in the Products Catalog to allow users to navigate between different pages of products or choose Load More if you want the button Load More to be displayed in the Products Catalog to allow users to load more products in the same page.

Choose Simple if you want all courses to be displayed in the My Courses tab or Categories if you want the courses to be organized by category in the My Courses tab.

Enable this box to display the Categories filter in the My Courses tab to allow the users to filter the courses by category (only one can be selected).

Enable this box to display the Custom Fields Filter in the Products Catalog to allow the users to filter the products by custom fields filter.

Choose which options will be displayed in the Custom Fields Filter in the Products Catalog.

Choose Grid View if you want all products to be displayed in a grid in the Products Catalog or List View if you want all products to be displayed in a list in the Products Catalog or Combo if you want to allow the users to switch between the two views.

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