Dashboard: Instructor

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Description: The Instructor Dashboard includes 5 data visualizations targeted to learner behavior. Each visualization links to a drill down page taking the data to a granular level.

Roles that may benefit from this report:
Instructors: Can use report to see learner interaction and grades for their courses in one convenient view.


Needs Grading Chart:

The chart shows the number of ungraded submissions in each displayed course.
Details button redirects to Needs Grading Dashboard.

Horizontal Axis: Courses by Name

Vertical Axis: Number of items that need grading

Sort by: Course Name or Total Needs Grading


Course Grade Distribution:

The chart shows the number of learners who have achieved each letter grade as a histogram.
Details button redirects to Course Grade Distribution Dashboard.

Horizontal Axis: Letter Grades

Vertical Axis: Number of students in course with the letter grade

Sort By: Letter Grades, Average Percentage Grade, or Number of Letter Grades


Course Time Spent and Grade Correlations:

The chart shows the correlation between total time spent on a course and the average LMS gradebook grade on that course per Learner.
Details button redirects to Time Spent and Grade Correlations Dashboard

Horizontal Axis: Time Spent

Vertical Axis: Course Grade (percentage)

Sort By: Time Spent, Average (Mean) (Course Grade Percentage), or Student Grade


Time Spent on Course Tools:

Shows the amount of time spent per Activity Type.
Details button redirects to Time Spent on Course Tools Dashboard.

Horizontal Axis: Activity Type

Vertical Axis: Time Spent

Sort By: Activity Type or Time Spent


Page Views by Tools:

The chart displays the number of views of pages in the selected course by Activity Type. It can be filtered by Course and Category and by Activity Type.
Details button redirects to Page Views by Tools Dashboard.

Horizontal Axis: Activity Type

Vertical Axis: Number of Page Views

Sort By: Activity Type or Visits
