Chart: Learners Average Course Grade Distribution

Chart: Learners Average Course Grade Distribution

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Description: Represents number of Learners with average grade across learner's courses distributed across grade threshold: 0-59%, 60-69%, 70%+

Roles that may benefit from this report:
Advisors: Can use the Learners Average Course Grade Distribution to categorize students by academic risk level, allowing them to prioritize outreach to those in lower grade thresholds for targeted support.

Coaches: Can use the distribution to monitor performance trends across their student groups, helping them focus on learners who need additional motivation or skill-building to improve their academic outcomes.



Horizontal Axis: Number of Learners

Vertical Axis: Average Grade

Hover Behavior:

When cursor hovers over a bar, the percentage of the bar is displayed (i.e. 60-69%), and the number of learners who have a grade within that percentage are displayed.

Sort By:

Average Grade - displays results in numerical order with lower percentages on top (arrow up) or lower percentages on the bottom (arrow down)

Number of Learners - displays results by the number of learners whose grade appears within the percentage range with the percentage range containing the most learners on the bottom (arrow up) or least learners on the bottom (arrow down)

Chart Filters:

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