Chart: At-Risk Learners
Description: This pie chart displays a count of unique learners who are at-risk in at least one course. The default At-Risk Calculation (Learner has below a course grade at 60) is leveraged.
Roles that may benefit from this report:
Academic Leadership: Can use the pie chart to monitor the overall percentage of at-risk learners, enabling data-driven decisions to improve institutional performance.
Instructors: Can quickly identify the proportion of at-risk learners in their courses to adjust teaching strategies and offer targeted support.
Academic Advisors: Can use the chart to prioritize outreach efforts for at-risk students and guide them toward academic resources.
Athletic Coaches: Can track their athletes' academic risk status, ensuring eligibility and providing timely intervention to maintain performance.
Yellow: Total Number Learners with OK status
Orange: Total Number of Learners At-Risk, with a course grade below 60
Hover Behavior:
When cursor hovers over a pie piece, the number of learners with that status is displayed.
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At Risk Default
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