Chart: DFW Rates by Category

Chart: DFW Rates by Category

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Description: This bar chart displays count of active learners by course category or Sub-Account with current course grades of D and F. This bar chart is intended to quickly identify course categories or Sub-Account that may have high D/F/W rates.

Roles that may benefit:

Academic Leadership: Can use this chart to identify which course categories or departments may be contributing to higher D/F/W rates, enabling targeted support or interventions.

Registrars: Can use this chart to identify categories or academic areas with high rates of learner struggles, helping to address systemic issues and inform resource allocation.



Horizontal Axis: DFW Percentage

Vertical Axis: Categories

Hover Behavior:

When cursor hovers over a data point, it displays the Category Name and DFW Percentage of the category.

Sort By:

The default chart sorts to highest DFW rates.

DFW by Category

Chart Filters:


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