Persona: Instructor


IntelliBoard uses a persona-based approach to deliver customized data analytics solutions tailored to the unique needs of instructors. By focusing on the specific responsibilities and challenges that instructors face, IntelliBoard ensures that the most relevant data is available, helping instructors make informed decisions to enhance learner engagement and performance.

Role Summary:

Instructors are responsible for delivering course content, guiding learning, and ensuring academic success. They play a crucial role in monitoring learner progress, identifying at-risk learners, and intervening when necessary to support their achievement. Through data-driven insights and real-time reporting, instructors can make informed decisions to enhance teaching strategies and optimize learner engagement.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Monitor Learner Behavior:

    • Monitor all learners across every course, tracking engagement, participation, and academic performance.

    • Use learner engagement and performance data to determine the effectiveness of courses and teaching methods and adjust as needed.

    • Identify which course activities and tools are most engaging to learners to adjust your instructional approach

  • Identify At-Risk Learners:

    • Use data-driven criteria to identify learners who may be at risk of underperforming.

    • Predict which learners may become at-risk in the future, allowing for proactive intervention.

  • Analyze Course Performance:

    • Examine course grade distribution to understand how learners are performing and identify areas where additional support or instruction may be needed.

    • View the correlation between time spent on course materials and learner grades to measure course effectiveness.

  • Up to Date Grading:

    • Ensure timely and effective feedback for learners.

    • Keep gradebook up to date for institutional reporting, intervention strategies, and financial aid requirements.

  • Communicate with Learners

    • Maintain communication with learners to discuss course progress, evaluate overall course performance, and provide additional support or resources when necessary.


  • Identifying At-Risk Learners:

    • Difficulty in spotting learners who are struggling early enough to provide meaningful support.

    • Limited time and resources to manually track and identify at-risk learners across multiple courses.

  • Tracking and Managing Learner Engagement:

    • Challenges in understanding which learners are actively participating and which are falling behind.

    • Lack of clear data on how learners are interacting with course materials and tools, making it difficult to adjust teaching strategies.

  • Grading Overload:

    • Overwhelmed by the volume of ungraded assignments, making it hard to prioritize and provide timely feedback.

    • Managing grading across multiple courses and assignments can be time-consuming and stressful.

  • Monitoring Course Effectiveness:

    • Difficulty in assessing whether course materials and teaching methods are effective in engaging learners and promoting learning.

    • Limited insight into which activities and tools are most beneficial to learner success.

  • Balancing Administrative Tasks with Teaching:

    • The need to fulfill administrative responsibilities, such as tracking participation, and grades, while also focusing on delivering high-quality instruction.

  • Managing Inactive or Absent Learners:

    • Difficulty in identifying and re-engaging learners who are inactive or have not logged into the course for an extended period.

    • Lack of personalized support for learners due to the sheer number of learners in large classes.

  • Data Overload:

    • Difficulty in interpreting large volumes of data and translating it into actionable insights.

    • Multiple programs are required to access needed information, analyze the data, then take action on the data.

Common Questions

  • Which of my learners are currently at risk, and how can I identify them early enough to intervene effectively?

  • Which learners have never logged in, or have not participated within a certain number of days?

  • Which course activities are the most engaging to my learners? Which are least engaging?

  • How can I track and compare learner engagement across different activities and tools in my courses?

  • How can I prioritize and manage ungraded assignments efficiently?

  • How effective are my teaching methods and course materials in promoting learner success?

  • How can I automate notifications to alert learners about important deadlines, missing assignments, or low grades?


These datasets are identified by IntelliBoard as providing critical information to Instructors. The Instructor Org Role Template includes these datasets. Organization Administrators my provide additional datasets or may not include all the datasets below. Contact your administrator for questions regarding dataset availability.

Instructor Dashboard:

The Instructor Dashboard includes 5 data visualizations targeted to learner behavior. Most visualizations include a “Details” button that links to a drill down page taking the data to a granular level.

Needs Grading Chart: This bar chart displays the number of ungraded submissions in each displayed course.

  • Purpose: To track the number of ungraded submissions for each course.

  • Usage: The instructor can identify which assignments or assessments still need to be graded and prioritize grading tasks. This helps ensure timely feedback and prevents delays in assessing learner work.

Course Grade Distribution: The chart shows the number of learners who have achieved each letter grade as a histogram.

  • Purpose: To visualize how learners are performing across different grade brackets.

  • Usage: The instructor can see the overall grade distribution within a course, helping them assess how well learners are doing. This information can be used to evaluate whether grading patterns are consistent with course expectations and to identify trends in learner performance.

Course Time Spent and Grade Correlation: The chart shows the correlation between total time spent on a course and the average LMS gradebook grade on that course per Learner.

  • Purpose: To examine the relationship between the amount of time learners spend on a course and their average grades.

  • Usage: The instructor can analyze whether more time spent on course activities correlates with better grades. This insight can help them understand how engagement impacts performance and adjust course content or teaching strategies accordingly.

Time Spent on Course Tools: Shows the amount of time spent per Activity Type.

  • Purpose: To monitor the amount of time learners spend on different types of course activities.

  • Usage: The instructor can identify which tools or activities are most engaging or challenging for learners. This can inform decisions on which resources to emphasize or revise to improve learner engagement and learning outcomes.

Page Views by Tools: The chart displays the number of views of pages in the selected course by Activity Type. It can be filtered by Course and Category and by Activity Type.

  • Purpose: To track how often different pages or resources in the course are accessed.

  • Usage: The instructor can see which pages or types of content are most frequently viewed and adjust the course materials based on learner usage patterns. They can also filter the data by course and activity type to get detailed insights into learner interactions.

At-Risk Learner Dashboard:

This Dashboard seeks to quickly identify at-risk learners across their various courses. Identify which learners are at-risk, their last dates of system login, course access, course average, missing submissions and late submissions. At-Risk is defined by having a course grade 60 or lower.

At-Risk Learners: This pie chart displays a count of unique learners who are at-risk in at least one course. The default At-Risk Calculation (Learner has below a course grade at 60) is leveraged.

  • Purpose: To provide an immediate visual summary of the number of learners who are at risk across all courses.

  • Use: Instructors can use this chart to quickly assess the proportion of learners who need attention, allowing them to prioritize interventions efficiently.

Learners At-Risk Courses: This bar chart displays the summary of a learner's enrollments, breaking their course load into at risk or okay courses groupings. The default At-Risk Calculation (Learner has below a course grade at 60) is leveraged.

  • Purpose: To break down a learner’s course load and identify which specific courses they are struggling in.

  • Use: Instructors can focus their support efforts on the courses where learners are most at risk, tailoring their interventions to the areas that need the most attention.

Learner Course Summary: The Learner Course Progress report displays cumulative learner performance across all of their active courses. This report shows only learners and displays the average grade across all courses, as well as days since last course access (to any course) and days since last login (to the LMS system).

  • Purpose: To provide a comprehensive view of each learner’s overall performance, including grades, course access, and system logins.

  • Use: Instructors can monitor not only learner grades but also engagement metrics, such as the last time a learner accessed the course or logged into the system. This helps identify learners who may be disengaged and in need of support before they fall too far behind.

At-Risk Learners with Course Grade Below 60: At-Risk Learners is a list of all learners, their course grade, their course grade compared to peers in the course, as well as the percent of activities complete, and missing and unsubmitted assignments. At-Risk is defined by having a course grade 60 or less.

  • Purpose: To offer detailed information on learners whose course grades are below 60, including comparisons to peers and completion of assignments.

  • Use: Instructors can use this list to drill down into specific learner challenges, such as incomplete assignments or consistently low performance, allowing for targeted interventions that address the root of the problem.

Needs Grading Dashboard:

The Needs Grading Dashboard combines the Needs Grading bar chart with the Needs Grading report. Courses selected using the Needs Grading chart automatically filter the table of the report.

Needs Grading Chart: This bar chart displays the number of ungraded submissions in each displayed course.

  • Purpose: To visually display the number of ungraded submissions in each course, allowing instructors to quickly see where grading attention is most needed.

  • Use: Instructors can use this chart to identify courses with the highest number of ungraded activities, helping them prioritize their grading tasks and manage their workload more effectively.

Needs Grading: The Needs Grading report displays activities that learners have submitted that still need grading in the LMS system.

  • Purpose: To provide a detailed list of all activities that learners have submitted but still need grading in the LMS.

  • Use: Instructors can access this report to directly view the specific activities that require grading. By selecting courses from the Needs Grading chart, the report automatically filters to show only the relevant submissions, streamlining the grading process.

Inactive Learners in Courses Dashboard:

The Inactive Learners in Courses Dashboard identifies users with a learner role who have an active enrollment status in a specific course. This does not include other non-learner roles or inactive enrollment statuses. To be counted 'active' the learner must access the course (does not consider activity submission to be active).

Inactive Learners in Courses Bar Chart: Using a Bar Chart, this shows the total number of learners (with an active enrollment) who have either never accessed or access more than 5 days ago as two separate bars lines per course. Only users with an active enrollment and a learner role are counted.

  • Purpose: To visually represent the number of learners who have either never accessed a course or have not accessed it in more than five days. This helps instructors quickly identify where learner engagement is lacking.

  • Use: Instructors can use this bar chart to spot courses with the highest number of inactive learners, allowing them to focus on re-engaging these learners and preventing potential academic decline.

Inactive Learners in Courses: The Inactive Learners in Courses dataset identifies users with learner role with an active enrollment in a course who have not accessed a course in a particular time period. Last Access, Last Participation and Last Login Dates also are included to provide additional context. Used by a instructors, advisors to evaluate users with at-risk access behavior.

  • Purpose: To provide a detailed list of learners who have an active enrollment status but have not accessed the course within a specific time frame. This dataset also includes information like Last Access, Last Participation, and Last Login Dates to give instructors deeper insights into learner engagement.

  • Use: Instructors can leverage this dataset to evaluate which learners may be at risk due to lack of engagement. By identifying these learners early, instructors can reach out and provide the necessary support to get them back on track.

Page Views by Tools Dashboard:

The Page Views by Tools Dashboard combines the Page Views By Tools vertical bar chart with the Course Content Utilization report. Clicking a bar in the chart to select an activity (tool) type filters the report to only activities of that type.

Page Views By Tools: The chart displays the number of views of pages in the selected course by Activity Type. It can be filtered by Course and Category and by Activity Type.

  • Purpose: To visually display the number of page views for various tools within the selected course. This bar chart categorizes views by Activity Type, making it easy to see which tools are most and least utilized.

  • Use: Instructors can use this chart to identify which tools are engaging learners and which may require further attention or improvement. By filtering the chart by Course, Category, and Activity Type, instructors can focus on specific tools and get a clearer picture of learner engagement.

Course Content Utilization: The Course Content Utilization report provides a detailed log of users' overall access to content/events/activities. Critical data includes users' activity-level time spent, first access and last access.

  • Purpose: To provide a detailed report on how learners access and use course content. This includes critical metrics such as time spent on activities, first access, and last access for each piece of content.

  • Use: Instructors can review this report to gain insights into learner interactions with course materials. By examining patterns in access and engagement, instructors can identify content that is either highly engaging or potentially overlooked, allowing them to adjust their teaching strategies accordingly.

Course Grade Distribution Dashboard:

The Course Grade Distribution dashboard combines the Course Grade Distribution chart with the Learner Success and Progress report. Data in the report are filtered by the letter grade chosen in the chart.

Course Grade Distribution: The chart shows the number of learners who have achieved each letter grade as a histogram.

  • Purpose: To present a histogram showing the distribution of letter grades among learners in the selected course. This visual representation helps instructors quickly see how many learners are achieving each grade level.

  • Use: Instructors can use this chart to identify patterns in grading, such as concentrations of high or low grades. By analyzing this distribution, instructors can determine if there are areas where learners may need additional support or if their grading practices need adjustment.

Learner Success and Progress: Shows the progress accumulated in the course by the learner and can be filtered by grade. This report is used to identify at-risk learners.

  • Purpose: To provide a detailed report on individual learner progress within the course, which can be filtered based on the letter grades from the Course Grade Distribution chart. This report highlights learners' overall success and identifies those who may be at risk of falling behind.

  • Use: Instructors can utilize this report to track and assess learners' performance in detail. By focusing on learners with lower grades, instructors can pinpoint specific areas where learners are struggling and intervene with targeted support to improve their performance and success in the course.