Persona: Academic Advisor

Persona: Academic Advisor

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IntelliBoard uses a persona-based approach to deliver customized data analytics solutions tailored to the unique needs of advisors. By focusing on the specific responsibilities and challenges that advisors face, IntelliBoard ensures that the most relevant data is available, helping advisors make informed decisions enhance learner retention, engagement, and academic performance.

intelliboard_role-based_analytics__analytics_for_academic_advisors (1080p).mp4

Role Summary:

Academic advisors are key advocates for learner success, providing personalized guidance and support throughout a learner's educational journey. They work closely with learners to monitor academic progress, identify at-risk individuals, and intervene when necessary. With data-driven insights, advisors can track learner engagement, predict potential risks, and facilitate timely communication, ultimately improving retention rates and learner outcomes.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Identify At-Risk Learners:

    • Identify learners who are underperforming or disengaging.

    • Predict potential at-risk learners, allowing for early intervention.

  • Monitor Learner Progress:

    • Track learner performance across all courses, ensuring that they are meeting academic milestones.

    • Analyze trends in grades, participation, and submission patterns to assess overall progress.

  • Engage in Timely Communication:

    • Maintain regular communication with learners who need additional support, offering resources and guidance to help them succeed.

    • Use data to inform conversations with learners, ensuring that interventions are targeted and effective.

  • Support Learner Retention:

    • Remind learners of important deadlines, missing submissions, or declining performance.

    • Encourage learner engagement and persistence by addressing issues before they become critical.


  • Identifying At-Risk Learners Early:

    • Difficulty in predicting which learners may become at-risk without sufficient real-time data.

    • Balancing the need to provide personalized support to a large number of learners.

  • Tracking Learner Engagement Across Multiple Courses:

    • Challenges in monitoring learner engagement and participation across all enrolled courses.

    • Limited visibility into how learners interact with course materials and tools, making it hard to identify where support is needed.

  • Managing Learner Communications:

    • Overwhelmed by the volume of learners needing outreach, making it difficult to prioritize communication effectively.

    • Ensuring that communication strategies are consistent and aligned with learner success goals.

  • Data Overload:

    • Difficulty in interpreting large volumes of data and translating it into actionable insights.

    • Multiple programs are required to access needed information, analyze the data, then take action on the data.

Common Questions

  • Which of my learners are at risk in multiple courses?

  • What is the overall activity and progress for a particular learner across all courses?

  • How can I predict learners who may become at risk before it's too late?

  • Is there a correlation between my communication efforts and learner success?

  • Which learner do I need to contact next and why?


These datasets are identified by IntelliBoard as providing critical information to Advisors. The Advisor Org Role Template includes these datasets. Organization Administrators may provide additional datasets or may not include all the datasets below. Contact your administrator for questions regarding dataset availability.

Learner Success Dashboard:

Primarily used for those working to support learner success, this Dashboard highlights the learners who's total course average is below a 59, between 60-70, or over 80. Identify which learners are at-risk, their last dates of system login, course access, course average, missing submissions and late submissions.

Learners Average Course Grade: This chart displays the average of the learner's current course grades. For example, if a learner is taking 5 courses, the bar represents the average grade of those 5 courses.

  • Purpose: Displays the average of each learner's current course grades across all enrolled courses.

  • Use: Helps advisors gauge overall academic performance across multiple courses, allowing them to spot trends and identify learners who may need support. For example, if a learner is taking five courses, the dashboard will show the average grade across those five courses. This helps in identifying patterns in academic performance, allowing for targeted interventions where needed.

Learners Average Course Grade Distribution: Represents number of Learners with average grade across learner's courses distributed across grade threshold: 0-59 %, 60-69 %, 70+ %

  • Purpose: Visualizes the distribution of learners' average grades across threshold ranges (0-59%, 60-69%, 70+%).

  • Use: Enables advisors to quickly categorize learners into risk levels based on their average grades and prioritize outreach efforts accordingly. For example, a large concentration of learners in the 0-59% range would signal a need for immediate intervention strategies, while a higher number in the 70+% range indicates overall good performance.

Learner Course Progress Monitoring: The Learner Course Progress Monitoring report shows learner’s score, progress and activity in courses. This version is intended to monitor academic progress, and uses the following scale: 0-59%, 60-69%, and70+% as risk benchmarks.

  • Purpose: Monitors learner progress, activity, and grades within courses.

  • Use: Helps advisors identify learners who are falling behind academically. By evaluating scores within the 0-59%, 60-69%, and 70+% ranges, they can prioritize learners who need more immediate attention. For instance, a learner consistently scoring below 60% may require more intensive support or intervention.

Learner Activity Submission Progress: This tabular report displays the learners' submitted activities to courses, including the activity type, activity score, completion (or submission) date and when the activity was graded (if applicable).

  • Purpose: Provides a detailed record of learners' submission activity, including the type of activity, score, submission date, and grading date.

  • Use: Provides advisors with detailed insights into learner engagement by showing which assignments have been submitted or are overdue, helping them address gaps. For example, if a learner has several unsubmitted or late assignments, the advisor can reach out to offer support or resources to help the learner catch up.

Inactive Learners in Courses Dashboard:

The Inactive Learners in Courses Dashboard identifies users with a learner role who have an active enrollment status in a specific course. This does not include other non-learner roles or inactive enrollment statuses. To be counted 'active' the learner must access the course (does not consider activity submission to be active).

Inactive Learners in Courses (Bar Chart): Using a Bar Chart, this shows the total number of learners (with an active enrollment) who have either never accessed or access more than 5 days ago as two separate bars lines per course. Only users with an active enrollment and a learner role are counted.

  • Purpose: To visually represent the number of learners who have either never accessed a course or have not accessed it in more than five days. This helps advisors quickly identify where learner may have issues accessing courses.

  • Use: Advisors can use this bar chart to spot courses with the highest number of inactive learners, allowing them to focus on re-engaging these learners and preventing potential academic decline.

Inactive Learners in Courses: The Inactive Learners in Courses dataset identifies users with learner role with an active enrollment in a course who have not accessed a course in a particular time period. Last Access, Last Participation and Last Login Dates also are included to provide additional context. Used by a instructors, advisors to evaluate users with at-risk access behavior.

  • Purpose: To provide a detailed list of learners who have an active enrollment status but have not accessed the course within a specific time frame. This dataset also includes information like Last Access, Last Participation, and Last Login Dates to give advisors deeper insights into learner engagement.

  • Use: Advisors can leverage this dataset to evaluate which learners may be at risk due to lack of engagement. By identifying these learners early, advisors can reach out and provide the necessary support to get them back on track.

At-Risk Learner Dashboard:

Primarily for Academic Advisors, this Dashboard seeks to quickly identify at-risk learners across their various courses. Identify which learners are at-risk, their last dates of system login, course access, course average, missing submissions and late submissions. At-Risk is defined by having a course grade 60 or lower.

At-Risk Learners: This pie chart displays a count of unique learners who are at-risk in at least one course. The default At-Risk Calculation (Learner has below a course grade at 60) is leveraged.

  • Purpose: To provide an immediate visual summary of the number of learners who are at risk across all courses.

  • Use: Advisors can use this chart to quickly assess the proportion of learners who need attention, allowing them to prioritize interventions efficiently.

Learners At-Risk Courses: This bar chart displays the summary of a learner's enrollments, breaking their course load into at risk or okay courses groupings. The default At-Risk Calculation (Learner has below a course grade at 60) is leveraged.

  • Purpose: To break down a learner’s course load and identify which specific courses they are struggling in.

  • Use: Advisors can focus their support efforts on the courses where learners are most at risk, tailoring their interventions to the areas that need the most attention.

Learner Course Summary: The Learner Course Progress report displays cumulative learner performance across all of their active courses. This report shows only learners and displays the average grade across all courses, as well as days since last course access (to any course) and days since last login (to the LMS system).

  • Purpose: To provide a comprehensive view of each learner’s overall performance, including grades, course access, and system logins.

  • Use: Advisors can monitor not only learner grades but also engagement metrics, such as the last time a learner accessed the course or logged into the system. This helps identify learners who may be disengaged and in need of support before they fall too far behind.

At-Risk Learners with Course Grade Below 60: At-Risk Learners is a list of all learners, their course grade, their course grade compared to peers in the course, as well as the percent of activities complete, and missing and unsubmitted assignments. At-Risk is defined by having a course grade 60 or less.

  • Purpose: To offer detailed information on learners whose course grades are below 60, including comparisons to peers and completion of assignments.

  • Use: Advisors can use this list to drill down into specific learner challenges, such as incomplete assignments or consistently low performance, allowing for targeted interventions that address the root of the problem.

Missing Learner Submission (Assignment, Forum/Discussion, or Quiz):

The Missing Learner Submission identifies users with learner role with an active enrollment in a course who have not submitted an assignment, forum/discussion or quiz to a course. Users who have submitted an assignment, forum/discussion or quiz to the relevant course are not in this dataset. This datasets is often used to encourage learners to complete an item to confirm financial aid.

  • Purpose: This dataset identifies learners who have not submitted required coursework, which could negatively impact their academic progress. The goal is to encourage learners to complete these submissions, which is often critical for maintaining their academic standing and financial aid eligibility.

  • Use: Advisors use this dataset to track down learners with outstanding assignments, discussions, or quizzes. By identifying missing submissions, advisors can reach out to learners to remind them of deadlines and offer support to ensure they complete their work. For example, if a learner has several missing quizzes, the advisor might contact them to discuss study strategies or time management tips to help them catch up.

Suggested Notifications:

Weekly Summary of current students with a course grade below 60 in any course

This automated notification will send you a weekly list of students with a course grade below 60 in any of their courses. Use this summary to prioritize student outreach and provide the necessary academic support.

Steps to Set Up Your Notification

  1. Notification Details:

    • Notification Name: Weekly Summary of current students with a course grade below 60 in any course

    • Notification Description: This notification automatically emails a list to my email of students in any course with a grade below 60 so I can prioritize contact with them to support their educational needs.

  2. Send to: Select “Enter Recipients” from the drop down menu.

  3. Email: Enter your email and/or the email(s) of those who will receive the notification.

  4. Subject: "Academic Alert: Students with a Course Grade Below 60" (Example)

  5. Message: "Attached is the list of at-risk learners with a course grade below 60. Please reach out to students on this list to offer support." (Example)

  6. Attachment:

    • Dataset: Select "At-Risk Learners with Course Grade Below 60" from the dropdown menu
      *Datasets must be linked or cloned to “My Datasets” to use as an attachment.

    • Set Appropriate Filters:

      • Set the “At-Risk” filter to filter report to only students with At-Risk status (in this dataset that means the student has a course grade below 60).

      • If applicable, set the “Terms” filter to filter report to only the current term.

      • You can also filter to show specific “Courses,” if desired.

      • Save the filters.

    • File Type: Choose your preferred format for the dataset attachment using the drop down menu (CSV, XLSX, or PDF).

  7. Select Date Range:

    • Start Date: Choose the start of the term or a date that fits your needs.

    • End Date: Choose the end of the term or your preferred end date to receive this report.

  8. Notification Schedule:

    • Frequency: Weekly

    • Time: Select the preferred time for the report to be sent (24-hour format).

    • Day: Choose the day of the week you want the report to be sent each week.

  9. Final Steps:

    • Click Save to schedule your notification, or Save and Send Now to receive the first report immediately.


Send me a Weekly Summary of current students who have not logged in, in past 7 days 

This automated notification will send you a weekly list of students who have not logged into their courses in 7 or more days. Use this summary to prioritize student outreach and provide the necessary academic support.

Steps to Set Up Your Notification

  1. Notification Details:

    • Notification Name: Weekly Summary of current students who have not logged in, in past 7 days 

    • Notification Description: This notification automatically emails a list to my email of students in any course that have not logged in so I can prioritize contact with them to support their educational needs.

  2. Send to: Select “Enter Recipients” from the drop down menu.

  3. Email: Enter your email and/or the email(s) of those who will receive the notification.

  4. Subject: "Academic Alert: Students have not logged into a course in 7 days" (Example)

  5. Message: "Attached is the list of learners who have not logged in to a course in 7 days. Please reach out to students on this list to offer support. Log in to your IntelliBoard account for more information." (Example)

  6. Attachment:

    • Dataset: Select "Inactive Learners in Courses" from the dropdown menu
      *Datasets must be linked or cloned to “My Datasets” to use as an attachment.

    • Set Appropriate Filters:

      • Set the “No Course Access Within” filter to “7 Days” filter report to only students who have not accessed their course in at least 7 days.

      • If applicable, set the “Terms” filter to filter report to only the current term.

      • You can also filter to show specific “Courses,” if desired.

      • Save the filters.

    • File Type: Choose your preferred format for the dataset attachment using the drop down menu (CSV, XLSX, or PDF).

  7. Select Date Range:

    • Start Date: Choose the start of the term or a date that fits your needs.

    • End Date: Choose the end of the term or your preferred end date to receive this report.

  8. Notification Schedule:

    • Frequency: Weekly

    • Time: Select the preferred time for the report to be sent (24-hour format).

    • Day: Choose the day of the week you want the report to be sent each week.

  9. Final Steps:

    • Click Save to schedule your notification, or Save and Send Now to receive the first report immediately.



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