Dashboard: Learner

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Description: This dashboard combines a line chart of grades per course, a tabular report of course progress, and a tabular report of activities per course. The dashboard can be filtered by course category and courses as well as course start date. It is designed to be filtered to a single learner.

Roles that may benefit from this report:
Learners: Can use the Learner Dashboard to view their course progress and grades within courses to determine which courses need attention.

My Grade Progression:

This chart shows the grades of a single user, separated by course. It is intended to be used by a learner show their grades in enrolled courses.

Horizontal Axis: Date Graded

Vertical Axis: Grade

Sort By: Graded At, Activities Name, or Grade Objects Results Grade Score


In this Dashboard, the Full Name filter should automatically show only the Learner who is signed in and not allow access to other learners' data.

My Course Progress:

This report provides the student with a list of all enrolled courses, progress/completion status, grade, enrollment start date, and completion date for each course. Each course name is displayed as a link to the course within the LMS.

Columns in Report:
Column Data Descriptions can also be found in the Data Dictionary in the help bar of IntelliBoard

Report Filters:

My Course Activities:

Activities past and present, filtered by student, including indicator of due date within 7 days.

Columns in Report:
