Chart: Late, Missing, On Time (Bar Chart)
Description: Each bar represents one course and is broken into the aggregation of submissions that are Late (submitted but after the due date), Missing (not submitted and Due Date has Passed), or On Time (submitted on or before the due date), Not Yet Submitted(with no submission but Due Date is not passed) for each course.
Roles that may benefit:
Instructors: Can use this chart to quickly assess submission patterns across their courses, identifying trends in student behavior and areas requiring intervention or support.
Horizontal Axis: Course name
Vertical Axis: Number of Submissions
Hover Behavior:
When cursor hovers over a submission bar in a course, a display of the Course Name, Submission type, and Number of Submissions appears.
Sort By:
Course Name
No Due Date
On Time
Not Yet Submitted
Chart Filters:
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